xGovern (XGOV)
Javascript-based decentralized group governance and data layer
(Utilizing NaCl library with x25519 elliptic curve cryptography)
LICENSE (Proprietary; For Audit-only Code Disclosure)
© 2018 xGovern, all rights reserved.
Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited.
API Usage & Documentation
Address Creation with generate_address
{domain:(str,''), group:(str,''), async_interval:(+int,300)},
{callback:(func), onprogress:(func)}
// Address generation with default protocol and no group membership
// the first argument '{domain:'', group:''}' can be '{}', still the same result;
xgov.generate_address({domain:'', group:''},{
if(e) return; //Error case;
var address = data.address //e.g. starts with x_ (x_XzOw9o048uk5jwSqKE1rUpASe8plQCKEG3JreiUHU0r)
var secret = data.secret //e.g. 42~43 character long base62_encoded private key (string)
// Address generation with default protocol and U.S. group membership signifier
// takes about 1~7 seconds to generate one keypair with US header (with a single-thread 2Ghz core)
// async_interval: how many new key pairs try after 'onprogress' triggers and process rests;
// e.g. 500, after 500 new key pairs tried, onprogress is triggered and process rests to pass other executions
xgov.generate_address({domain:'', group:'US', async_interval:500},{
if(e) return; //Error case;
var address = data.address //e.g. starts with xUS_ (xUS_XzOw9o048uk5USSqKE1rUpASe8plQCKEG3JreiUHU0r)
var secret = data.secret //e.g. 42~43 character long base62_encoded private key (string)
meta.count; //how many new key pairs have been tried so far to match something that starts with group header 'xUS';
meta.domain; //Target protocol domain; //target group
Written by:
Joe K. Kim (