
JavaScript helper library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xhelper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xhelper';




npm install xhelper --save

Backend Usage

const xhelper = require('xhelper');

Frontend Usage

<script src="./node_modules/xhelper/xhelper.min.js"></script>

Functions Documentation

Function Name Description
containsObject Checks if the array contains a certain object
ceil Ceil the given number
floor Floor the given number
round Round the given number
truncate Truncate the given number
escapeRegex Escape Regex input
unspace Remove spaces from the string
toBoolean Converts the string to boolean value
isUndefined Checks if object is undefined
isNull Checks if object is null
deg2rad Converts degree angle to radiant
validateEmail Validates the given email address
leadingZeroes Adds leading zeroes to the string untill it matches the given characters length
commaSeparateNumber Adds commas to the number at thousands, millions, ...
getLastMidnight Gets the last midnight timestamp according to the user date
getCurrentMonthFirstDay Gets the last midnight of the first day of the month's timestamp according to the user date
ceilToMinute Round number of seconds to the nearest greater number of minutes
getRandomElements Get Random elements from an array (duplicates are allowed)
getUniqueElements Get Random unique elements from an array