Write data in the browser and receive a properly ordered stream in node from multiple incoming requests.
This module only goes one way, from the browser to node. Use libraries like shoe to create full duplex streams between the browser and node.
browser code:
var xws = require('xhr-write-stream');
var ws = xws('/robots');
ws.write('beep boop');
server code:
var http = require('http');
var ecstatic = require('ecstatic')(__dirname + '/static');
var xws = require('xhr-write-stream')();
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
if (req.url === '/robots') {
req.pipe(xws(function (stream) {
stream.pipe(process.stdout, { end : false });
req.on('end', res.end.bind(res));
else ecstatic(req, res)
bundle up the browser code with browserify:
$ browserify browser.js -o static/bundle.js
then toss down a script tag for the bundle:
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
Run the server and visit the page in the browser:
$ node server.js
beep boop!!!
browser methods
var xws = require('xhr-write-stream')
var ws = xws(path)
Return a writable stream that sends an xhr request to path
on every write()
The xhr requests are turned back into a single readable stream on the server side.
server methods
var createXWS = require('xhr-write-stream')
var xws = createXWS()
Create a new xws
stream pool.
var ws = xws(cb)
Return a writable stream ws
that you can pipe request data into from multiple
incoming xhr requests on the browser-side.
is called with a readable stream
that aggregates data in order
with the data from each xhr request.
With npm do:
npm install xhr-write-stream
This module makes use of
for the xhr-compatibility. If you just require('xhr-write-stream')
in your
browser code using browserify,
everything will just workâ˘.