
xinju fe cli for vuejs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xinju from '';



xinju cli is based on @vue/cli and @vue/cli-service

The Cli xinju is created for zhejianglab fellowers to quickly develop our customized project. and xinju cli is just one cli, do all things, includes create/lint/develop/build/analyze and ...

What xinju Cli Do

  • init project From now on, xinju can init multiple projects for different applications.Includes mobile H5 application,backend website application,saber application for IOC and vue default applications.
  • front-end project specification With the cli we can simplify almost all specification works. Includes directory structure,develop,lint,commit,build and so on.

How To Use

xinju cli is very easy to use. For developer, just install the xinju in global environment by npm i xinju -g. And then you can just put xinju -h in the command line tool.That will show you how to use. For example, you want init a project named by work.

Just put xinju create work,then you can choose what type project you want, includes saber, backend, h5, default.

After you choose the type, the cli will pull the whole initial project into your working directory and pull the dependencies by auto. Lastly, just put yarn start to start your project. What a easy way!


Except these, the cli integrate the eslint and commit hooks. When we develop the project, the supported IDE can help us to check and lint our code. Also, when we commit our code to git or gitlab, the hooks will work to check the code and the commit info. With this, the specification will work autoly.