
excel-to-json converter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xlJson from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xl-json';



Converts a complete excel spreadsheet to json in either object, as file or stream to a pipeline. Module only works for nodejs version 4 or higher

Current Version dependency Status devDependency Status Build Status Coveralls


npm install xl-json


const Converter = require('xl-json');

const options = {
    input: Path.resolve(__dirname, './test/excel/relationship.xlsx'),
    output: '../output/relationship',
    spacer: 2, // optional for JSON.stringify
    replacer: ['key'] // optional array or function to be passed to JSON.stringify
    formatter: {
        organisation: formatter
    } // optional object with keys representing the name of sheet within workbook you would like to format and the value is a function that takes one parameter which is an array of objects.  Defaults to standard format which doesn't affect parsing done by j module


const results = new Converter(options);

// return json stringified object with keys of object being the worksheet name

const jsonObj = results.toJson();

// Also exposes a stream which can be written or piped somewhere


Cli usage

  • -i, --i or --input to set the input path of excel file to be converted
  • -o, --o or --ouput to select the destination for converted json to be written to
  • -f, --f or --formatters location of formatters object to be used to parse excel
  • -v, --v or --version will display the current version of package
  • -h - will show usage of cli


  • Add ability to parse, write and stream multiple spreadsheets