Nowdays everything is easly maintain if we are dealing with objects .As I have face many problems while in uploading excel file ,taking data from excel and play with each Cell of excel file .This Converter is just a interface which helps to get objects from excel Or excel from objects.
Here are the two Converters and Some Getters (define below) present in it :
- Excel to Objects
- Objects to Excel
Excel to Objects
let xlconverter = require('xlconverter');
let path="abv/cac/ac/ac.xlsx";
let sheet="sheet1";
// xlToObjects, will provide objects of all the sheets present in xl sheet;
xlconverter.xlToObjects(path, function (err, data) {
* data-
* [{},{},{}]
* // object as rows
// xlToObjectsOfSheet, will provide objects of perticular sheet present in xl sheet;
xlconverter.xlToObjectsOfSheet(path, sheet, function (err, data) {
* data -
* {
* sheet1: [{},{},{}],
* sheet2: [{},{},{}]
* }
* // object as rows
Objects to Excel
let headers=["name","age"];
let rows=[{ name:"hardy",age:21 },{ name:"hardy",age:21 }];
let path="abc/cac/";
let fileName="myNewSheet"; //.xlsx is by default
let sheetName="sheet1";
xlconverter.objectsToXl(headers, rows, path, fileName, sheetName, function (err, data) {
* if error -`sheetName` sheet not created
* data -
* `sheetName` sheet successfully created.
We can use Excel Sheet as a very small Database as we can do Extractions from that by putting some queries, The query can be made in form of Objects, Arrays Thing can be achive like:
- Any Perticular Row.
- Any Perticular Column.
- Get Number of Rows.
- Get Number of Columns.
- Get Data as Objects of Perticular Columns.
Get Row
- Accept Query as Object Eg-
. and
type of query will be done.- Return Single Row which matches both Conditions
let rowQuery= {name:"Jhon",age:"21"};
let filePath="abc/cac/";
let sheetName="sheet1";
xlconverter.getters.row(filePath, rowQuery, sheetName, function (err, data) {
* data-
* {name:"Jhon", age:"21", f_name:"D_Jhon"}
* // object as rows
Get Rows
- Accept Parameters as Object Eg-
. and
type of query will be done.- Return Multiple Rows which matches both Conditions.
let rowQuery= {name:"Jhon",age:"21"};
let filePath="abc/cac/";
let sheetName="sheet1";
xlconverter.getters.rows(filePath, rowQuery, sheetName, function (err, data) {
* data-
* [{name:"Jhon", age:"21", f_name:"D_Jhon"},
* {name:"Jhon", age:"21", f_name:"D_Jhonee"}]
* // object as rows
Get Column
- Accept Parameters as String Eg-
. - Return Array of Strings which is Present in that Column.
let colQuery= "name";
let filePath="abc/cac/";
let sheetName="sheet1";
xlconverter.getters.coloumn(filePath, colQuery, sheetName, function (err, data) {
* data-
* ["Jhon","Jhon2","Jhon3"]
* // as coloumn cells
Get Columns
- Accept Parameters as String in Array Eg-
. - Return Object with Keys name and age and both of them have Array of Strings which is Present in respective Column.
let colQuery= ["name","age"];
let filePath="abc/cac/";
let sheetName="sheet1";
xlconverter.getters.coloumns(filePath, colQuery, sheetName, function (err, data) {
* data-
* {
* name:["Jhon","Jhon2","Jhon3"],
* age:[21,33,13]
* }
* // as coloumn cells
Get Rows from Selective Columns
- Accept Parameters as String in Array Eg-
. - Return all Rows with Selected Columns name and age as Objects in Array
- Getting Selective Coloumns of Rows.
let colQuery= ["name","age"];
let filePath="abc/cac/";
let sheetName="sheet1";
xlconverter.getters.selectiveColoumnsOfRows(filePath, colQuery, sheetName, function (err, data) {
* data-
* [
* {name: "hardy", age: 12},
* {name: "pery", age: 41},
* {name: "bob", age: 42}
* ]
* //
N O T E :
function is required in all methods.getters
are usingxlToObjectsOfSheet
function that's why sheet name is required.
Contributions are most wellcome