
Build .xlsx files in Javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xljsxLite from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xljsx-lite';



Generate .xlsx files in the browser using JavaScript with a very small footprint.

This code is based off of code from egeriis/zipcelx, but with the following improvements:

  • Allow for multiple sheets without the bloat of trying to maintain backwards compatibility for the sheet property.
  • When building the config file, you do not need to specific the cell type
  • It seems that repo is not maintained, so I hope to continue the project myself!

If you're looking for advanced functionality, js-xlsx is a solid choice.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Examples
  4. Contributing
  5. Issues


Install via NPM

npm i xljsx-lite --save

Use standalone

Download and include lib/standalone.js in your project. This will expose a global xljsxLite function you can use to create and download spreadsheets.


import { xljsxLite } from 'xljsx-lite';

const config = {
  filename: 'example-spreadsheet', // output filename, excluding extension
  sheets: [
      sheetname: 'sheet1',
      data: [
        ['Test', 'Data', 'Row 1'], // Each array in 'data' represents a row
        ['More', 'Data', 'Row 2'],

// Generate spreadsheet and trigger download
await xljsxLite(config)

For more examples, check out the example repo.


If you happen to come across a defect, please report them here: Issue tracker

  1. Search to see if the issue has already been reported, discussed, or explained
  2. If you can't find an existing issue, feel free to open one