
Convert xlsx spread sheet to formulas

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xlsxFormulas from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xlsx-formulas';


XLSX formulas

Calculation of basic formulas found in Excel sheets.

Note that this module only supports basic calculations. The built in functions provided by Excel are not supported. Also note that this code uses eval. Don't use this on worksheets from untrusted sources.


Assume my-workbook.xlsx contains

A1 10 A2 20 A3 =A1+A2

And A3 has the name "result" (see cell names in the documentation if you haven't heard about named cells).

npm install xlsx-formulas
node -e 'require('xlsx-formulas')('my-workbook.xlsx')
  .then(wb => {
    console.log('Sheet1.A3: ' + wb.Sheet1.A3());
    // outputs 30
    wb.Sheet1.A1 = () => 22;
    console.log('Sheet1.A3: ' + wb.Sheet1.A3());
    // outputs 42
    console.log('result: ' + wb.result());
    // Outputs 42


Written by Michael Zedeler michael@zedeler.dk.


See the LICENSE file.