
A wrapper for js-xlsx with an improved API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xlsxPlus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xlsx-plus';



A wrapper for js-xlsx with a simpler API. Can be used as a dropin.

npm install xlsx-plus

Versions for the browser are in the dist folder. There is the core version, which is a smaller file, and the full version, which includes ODS and international support.

It supports Promise-based I/O. Bring your own Promise (assumes the presence of a correctly-implemented Promise global).


Top-level API

The entire XLSX top-level API is copied, with some changed and additions:

read(data, [options])

Returns a Workbook object; each sheet is a Worksheet object

readFile(filename, [options], [cb])

Supports an asynchronous signature while retaining support for operating synchronously

readFileAsync(filename, [options], [cb]) (added v0.3.0)

Explicitly asynchronous version. If the callback is not supplied it returns a Promise (requires Promise global).

writeFileAsync(filename, wb, [options], [cb])

writeFileAsync(wb, filename, [options], [cb]) (added v0.3.0)

Returns a Promise if callback is not passed. Also supports passing a Workbook object as the first parameter, to match the built-in writeFile(wb, filename, [options]).


utils is duplicated as util.

  • extra function cell_in_range

  • encode_cell accepts an object with string keys as well

Worksheet API

Exported as XLSX.Worksheet.

constructor(data, name, workbook)

Accepts data as an XLSX-style object (with a !ref property), an array of arrays, or an array of objects.


Returns the cell object with that address.


Returns a Row object.


Returns a Column object.


Returns a subset Worksheet. Keeps references to the original workbook and name.


Exports the sheet as JSON. The default format is to use the first row as a header. To use column names as a header, pass {header: 'A'}. To use custom values, pass {header: ['col1 header', 'col2 header']}. The exported format is: [{'col1 header': B1Value, 'col2 header': B2Value}, ...]. For an object of arrays ({col1: [B1, C1, ...], col2: [...]}), pass {array: false} (any falsey value).

It automatically transforms values to their primitive formats. To disable this, pass {raw: false}.


Like toJSON, but returns an array of arrays instead of an array of objects. So: [[A1Value, A2Value], [B1Value, B2Value], ...].


Returns a CSV string of the worksheet. Default delimiter is a comma; default row ending is a newline. You can change this by passing {delimiter: '\t', line: '\r\n'} (for example).

Workbook API

Not much. Only contains wrappers for toJSON and toArray. toJSON gives an object with the sheet names as keys; toArray gives an array of sheets. The values are the result of calling toJSON or toArray on the sheet object.

getSheet(nameOrIndex) (added v0.3.0)

Return the sheet with the given name or index. So you can do getSheet(0) to get the first one.

addSheet(sheet) (added v0.1.2)

Adds a Worksheet object to the workbook.

As of v0.3.0, if the sheet does not have a name, it will be given a default name (SheetN).

Row and Column object API

Both are subclasses of a Data class; neither are exported.


Returns the cell object at the given row or column (depending on datatype) if address is a string. If address is a number, treat it as a numerical index.


Returns an array of cell values.



Maintenance Notes

This is just the bare bones of the library now. I needed this much for a project, and don't have time to continue working on it past this. Pull requests are appreciated.


Made by Eyal Schachter (Scimonster).

Developed for David Burg, PhD at the Shamir Research Institute.