
Transform an xlsx file into a list of sql insert statement

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xlsx2sql from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xlsx2sql';



npm install xlsx2sql


Transform an xlsx file into a list of sql insert statement.

  • Columns in excel file can be ignored

  • title line in excel file can be ignored

  • You can specify a custom name for the table used in the generated sql

  • You can specify a custom name for each field

  • You can specify a custom converter if needed for each field

  • Date can be converted to mysql format with our converter

  • You can add a custom value (useful if the excel doent contain all the necessary fields)


See exemple files for details :

usage exemple :

var xlsx2sql = require('xlsx2sql')

xlsx2sql.xlsx2sql(`${__dirname}/test.xlsx`, {
    // the name if the table
    name: 'product',
    // the number of first lines to skip
    skip: 1,
    // the fields specifications
    fields: [
        // title is the name of the sql field. It will read the 0's column in excel file
        { index: 0, name: 'title' },
        // start is the name of the sql field. It will read the 1's column in excel file, and convert it using the special date converter
        { index: 1, name: 'start', convert: xlsx2sql.ExcelDateToJSDate },
        // you can also provide a custon function for convertions
        { index: 2, name: 'tva_id', convert: (v) => {
            if (v == '0.1') return 60;
            else if (v == '0.2') return 61;
            else if (v == '0.055') return 59;
            else if (v == '0') return 58;
            else throw new Error('Unknown tva '+v);
        { index: 3, name: 'tarifLibreTtc' },
        { index: 4, name: 'tarifLibreBoolean', convert: (v) => {
            if (v == 'ON') return 1;
            else return 0;
        { index: 5, name: 'compta' },
        { name: 'createdAt', value: 'now()' },
        { name: 'updatedAt', value: 'now()' },
}, (err, sql) => {

    // generated sql is :
    // insert into `product` (`title`,`start`,`tva_id`,`tarifLibreTtc`,`tarifLibreBoolean`,`compta`,`createdAt`,`updatedAt`) values
    // ('Privatisation complète du château avec hébergement','43466','60','0','1','74501652',now(),now()),
    // ('Hébergement en chambre single','43466','60','0','1','74501652',now(),now()),
    // ('Petit déjeuner','43466','60','0','1','74501652',now(),now()) ;
