
JSON Transformer to create, save and zip .xlsx files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xlszipsave from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xlszipsave';



Lightweight JSON to create, zip and save xls file from browsers

How to install

  yarn add xlszipsave
  npm install --save xlszipsave

How to use

  import { xls, filesaver } from 'xlszipsave';

  const sheet = {
    data: [
          value: 'Excel',
          type: 'string'
          value: 1000,
          type: 'number'

  xls(sheet).then(blob => {
    filesave.saveAs(blob, 'excel.xlsx');

Excel Table output

Excel 1000
## Issues
Should it happen that the tool broke down on you please head to our Issue tracker
  1. Search if the issue is already discussed or explained.
  2. If no luck feel free to open a new issue and we will get back to you as soon as possible.