XMind SDK for JavaScript
The official XMind SDK for JavaScript (written by typescript), available for browsers and Node.js backends.
This library implements various functions which is similar to our client. If you have used our client before, you will know how to use this library.
In order to use the SDK conveniently, an essential concept you should know is that everything is component and each one of them has a unique component ID. You can add child nodes under the components, however, the Markers and Notes can only be attached to the components.
You can open the final .xmind
files by XMind ZEN.
Supported Platforms:
- Linux
- Win32
- Browser
Usage and Getting Started
Usage in Node.js
$ npm i --save xmind-sdk
const {Workbook, Topic, Marker} = require('xmind-sdk');
Usage in Browser
import {Workbook, Topic, Marker} from 'xmind-sdk';
// Latest version
<script src=""></script>
// Specify version
<!-- script src=""></script -->
const { Workbook, Topic, Marker } = window;
Simple Usage
const { Workbook, Topic, Marker, Zipper } = require('xmind-sdk');
const [workbook, marker] = [new Workbook(), new Marker()];
const topic = new Topic({sheet: workbook.createSheet('sheet title', 'Central Topic')});
const zipper = new Zipper({path: '/tmp', workbook, filename: 'MyFirstMap'});
// topic.on() default: `central topic`
topic.add({title: 'main topic 1'});
.on(topic.cid(/*In default, the componentId is last element*/))
// add subtopics under `main topic 1`
.add({title: 'subtopic 1'})
.add({title: 'subtopic 2'})
// attach text note to `main topic 1`
.note('This is a note attached on main topic 1')
// attach a marker flag to `subtopic 1`
.on(topic.cid('subtopic 1'))
// add a component of the summary that contains two sub topics
.summary({title: 'subtopic summary', edge: topic.cid('subtopic 2')}) => status && console.log('Saved /tmp/MyFirstMap.xmind'));
More Examples
See example directory.
The workbook is a temporary storage where all the data are written.
.createSheet(sheetTitle, topicTitle?) => Once the workbook is created, then there's a way to build a sheet containing a root topic
. In addition, you can custom their titles by parameters.
Name | Type | Default | Required |
sheetTitle | String | - |
Y |
topicTitle | String | Central Topic |
N |
.theme(sheetTitle, themeName) => Boolean
The UI client
has many theme styles and this library also offers some of them, such as robust / snowbrush / business
Name | Type | Default | Required |
sheetTitle | String | null | Y |
themeName | String | null | Y |
Get component's data from the workbook in the form of JSON
Get component's data from the workbook in the form of STRING
{status: Boolean, errors: Array<object> | null}
.validate() => This is proof that all data are available and complete.
The status
indicates the result of validation which is true
if it's correct, othewise false
The Topic
is an important constructor function that implements most of the methods. And you are going to depend on it during most operations.
Topic Options
- options.sheet <=
You may wonder why we need to offer the options.sheet
manually? The reason is that Topic
is implemented independently and most of the methods depend on the instance of the sheet.
In the UI client, you also need to draw the mind map on sheet.
const {Topic, Workbook} = require('xmind-sdk'); const wb = new Workbook(); new Topic({sheet: wb.createSheet('Sheet-1', 'topic-1')});
.on(componentId?) => Topic
Set the component to be parent node. If there isn't component ID, the Central Topic
will become as parent node.
.cid(title?) => String
Use .cid to get component ID corresponding to the title
!!! NOTE THAT: You should avoid duplicating the component
if usetitle
to search the component ID.
If none of the components has been added, at least Central Topic
'ID could be returned.
If you don't specify title in the period of calling .cid, the last added component ID would be returned.
.cids() => {$cid: $title}
That will return all added components.
.add(options) => Topic
Add a topic component under parent node.
Name | Type | Default | Required |
options.title | String | null | Y |
.note(text, del?) => Topic
Attach a text to parent node.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
text | String | null | Y | text message |
del | Boolean | false | N | detach the note from current parent node if the del is true |
.marker(object) => Topic
Attach a marker flag to the parent node. Moreover, you can detach a marker flag from the parent node by setting object.del
as true
. default: false
const {Marker} = require('xmind-sdk');
const marker = new Marker();
// add
// del
topic.marker(Object.assign({}, marker.smiley('cry'), {del: true}));
.summary(options) => Topic
Attach a summary component to parent node including all children. In the meantime, the edge
can be used to set the scope of summary component.
The summary does not allow to be added under
Central Topic
must parallel to parent node
Name | Type | Default | Required |
options.title | String | null | Y |
options.edge | String | null | N |
.destroy(componentId) => Topic
Destroy a component from the map tree.
All children would be destroyed along with it
Marker flags
We provide an instance of Marker
that includes all the markers. Such as:
.priority(name: string
.smiley(name: string
.task(name: string
.flag(name: string
.star(name: string
.people(name: string
.arrow(name: string
.symbol(name: string
.month(name: string
.week(name: string
.half(name: string
.other(name: The
of marker is available !hereYou also can use Marker.groups and Marker.names to find out available names
Static methods
Marker.groups() => Array<groupName>
List available group names.
Marker.names(groupName) => Array<name>
- Get the flag names by
The module of Zipper
only works under backend.
Zipper Options
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
options.path | String | - |
Y | The path is where to save the .xmind file |
options.workbook | Workbook | - |
Y | The instance of Workbook |
options.filename | String | default | N | default.xmind |
.updateManifestMetadata(key, content) => Zipper
Update manifest for image insertion.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
key | String | null | Y | The key only can be get by topic.image() |
content | Buffer | null | Y | The buffer data of image |
.removeManifestMetadata(key) => Zipper
Remove a pair of key/value from manifest.
.save() => Promise<boolean>
Save components to the logic disk in the form of zip.
The module of Dumper
only works under browser.
.dumping() => Array<{filename: string, value: string}>
Return an array of the object composed of file content. In order to open it in the official software, you need to compress these files in the form of zip with end of .xmind
Do not include top level folders, otherwise the software can't extract files
Thank you for be interesting in the SDK.
If you have any problems or suggestions please let us know 🙂
We also welcome you to submit a pull request for any big or small issues.
See the MIT License.