XML Library
This Library allows you to convert XML strings into the JSON Format and the other way around.
Installing this Library
Run the following command
$ npm install xml-library --save
Then load it inside your node.js Application
const XML = require('xml-library');
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Parsing XML
To interpret XML Strings as JSON Objects, you can do
XML.parseXML(xml, function(err, json) {
// To make sure the parser did not throw any error
if (!err) {
// You can now use the 'json' Object to access your XML document
For help on how to use the 'json' Object, see XMLNode
Parsing JSON
You can also interpret JSON objects back into XML.
BUT: This JSON object must be an XMLNode Object (more Info down below)
'options' (if specified) is a simple JSON Object with keys and values. (Missing keys will be inserted with a default value)
json.asXMLString(options, function(err, xml) {
// To make sure the parser did not throw any error
if (!err) {
// You can now use the 'xml' Object (It is a String)
Key | Description | Default Value |
indent | Number of spaces prepended on each new level | 2 |
new_lines | Whether new lines shall be used. Set it to false if you want the entire XML string to be on a single line | true |
header | A header that is prepended to the entire xml string (e.g. when you are messing with HTML documents or other important document settings) | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
You can of course just leave out the options. | ||
And it will use the default values. |
json.asXMLString(function(err, xml) {
// To make sure the parser did not throw any error
if (!err) {
// You can now use the 'xml' Object (It is a String)
This module adds a class called "XMLNode".
The JSON Object returned when Parsing XML is an instance of this class.
Parsing JSON Objects also requires an instance of this class.
You can use the class in your node.js Application using
const XML = require('xml-library');
const XMLNode = XML.XMLNode;
Or by direct deconstruction of the module.
const {XMLNode} = require('xml-library');
The constructor requires you to specify a Name for the element.
new XMLNode(name);
new XMLNode("project");
You can also specify attributes.
new XMLNode(name, attributes);
new XMLNode("project", {
"version": "2.3.1",
"author": "TheBusyBiscuit"
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit"></project>
Or you can specify a value.
new XMLNode(name, value);
new XMLNode("project", "XML-Library");
Or a value and attributes.
new XMLNode(name, attributes, value);
new XMLNode("project", {
"version": "2.3.1",
"author": "TheBusyBiscuit"
}, "XML-Library");
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit">XML-Library</project>
For the following examples, we work with this node as our root.
var node new XMLNode("project", {
"version": "2.3.1",
"author": "TheBusyBiscuit"
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit"></project>
The specified child, must be an instance of XMLNode of course.
But it can also be an array of XMLNode instances.
node.addChild(new XMLNode("language", "JavaScript"));
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit">
.setChild(key, node)
The specified child, must be an instance of XMLNode of course.
Because XML elements can have multiple children with the same name, each child needs to have an index. (e.g. language[0])
This index will be omitted in the actual XML String when Parsing JSON Objects
If no index is specified, "[0]" will be appended to the name.
node.setChild("language", new XMLNode("language", "JavaScript"));
node.setChild("language[1]", new XMLNode("language", "C#"));
node.setChild("language[0]", new XMLNode("language", "Java"));
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit">
.setAttribute(key, value)
Pretty self-explaining.
Specify a key (String) and a value (String) and set this as an attribute.
node.setAttribute("version", "ALPHA");
<project version="ALPHA" author="TheBusyBiscuit"></project>
If 'value' is null and an attribute with that name exists, then the attribute is removed.
node.setAttribute("version", null);
<project author="TheBusyBiscuit"></project>
Pretty self-explaining.
Specify a value (String) and you set the inner content of your node.
Specify no value and you will remove the inner content of your node (This does not remove any children)
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit">XML-Library</project>
Specify the name of a child to get its instance.
<project version="2.3.1" author="TheBusyBiscuit">
The name can include an index, if there are multiple children sharing the same name.
If no index is specified, it is going to return the first child with that name.
But you can also specify an array of names, to get the node's grandchildren or great grandchildren or ... (You get the idea.)
node.getChild(["language", "name"]);
Here, you can specify an index to target a certain child at a certain point in the tree again.
.asXMLString(options, callback)
Copyright / Licensing
Copyright (c) 2018 TheBusyBiscuit
Licensed under the MIT License.