
Library for signing XML documents.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmlSign from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xml-sign';



The goal of this project is to allow XML files to be signed using a set of rules. As the main use case for this library is to help the signature process of ISO20022 messages and the Brazilian instant payment technology.

Prepared methods for this library includes:


All the methods from this library handles with the string format of the XML. The result of the sign methods are also a string with the content of the XML as its value.

// Sample XML to be signed being read
const xmlIso = fs.readFileSync('xml-to-sign.xml').toString();
// Signed XML string value
const signedXml = await signIso(xmlIso, certPem, keyPem);



This method generates the signature for the document looking for the AppHdr and the Document tags on the xml and generates the sha256 digest for each of those elements after applying the canonicalization transformation.

It also takes as the input the X509 certificate which is necessary for adding the certificate signature issue information. The certificate information is denoted on the XML as the KeyInfo tag. This process will generate 3 references on the XML, the AppHdr, Document and KeyInfo, and include them on the SignedInfo tag which will have is signature value generated and applied to the SignatureValue tag, consolidating the document validity.


As the signIso method complement, this method verifies for the present signature and applies the transformations as demanded on the XML signature reference tags, verifying the digest of each referenced tag and verifying the SignatureValue.


This method has the same process of the signIso function, but instead of generating the digest reference for the AppHdr and the Document, this looks for the main XML tag and generates its digest.

As the signIso process, it will also use the X509 certificate to generate the KeyInfo tag and its reference.

Here, it is expected that the resulted XML is going to have two references, the main XML tag and the KeyInfo. As the signIso, the references will be placed on the SignedInfo tag which will be signed so the SignatureValue is generated, consolidating the document validity.


This process takes exactly the same process as the verifyIso.