
Simple command line utility for sorting xml content by tag name, attribute name and attribute value.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmlSorter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xml-sorter';



Simple command line utility for sorting xml content by tag name, attribute name and attribute value.

Usage and options

You have to pass a source file to the script with valid xml:

xml-sorter path/to/file.xml

The output will be rendered on the console. If you prefer you can overwrite the source file with the option -o.

xml-sorter -o path/to/file.xml

With options -t and -a you can customize the ordering of tags and attributes.

xml-sorter -t 'firstTag secondTag' -a 'firstAtt secondAtt' path/to/file.xml

Use option -i if you want ignore case.

xml-sorter -i path/to/file.xml

Use option -s if you want to split one attribute per line.

xml-sorter -s path/to/file.xml


<!-- file.xml -->
        <x b="" c="" a="" x="" z=""/>
        <x c="b" a="c" x="d" z="e"/>
        <x c="c" a="d" x="d" z="a"/>
        <x c="d" a="e" x="d" z="a"/>
        <x c="b" a="c" x="d" z="z"/>
        <x c="g" a="c" x="f" z="e"/>
xml-sorter -t 'z x' -a 'x z' file.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <x x="" z="" a="" b="" c=""/>
        <x x="d" z="a" a="d" c="c"/>
        <x x="d" z="a" a="e" c="d"/>
        <x x="d" z="e" a="c" c="b"/>
        <x x="d" z="z" a="c" c="b"/>
        <x x="f" z="e" a="c" c="g"/>