
xml-dirtree ===========

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmlTree from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xml-tree';



Generate a XML that contains all the paths and folders inside it.

Howto use

npm install xml-tree

On your NPM project

var xml_tree = require("xml-tree");

var options = { replace:"/path_to_remove/", //optional, to remove unwanted strings in the path. }

var tree = xml_tree.get_tree("/directory/",options); //returns array of the directory and the files inside it var xml_tree = xml_tree.generate_xml(tree); //returns xml_tree

XML example

<0> /Users/ribo/music/iTunes/iTunes Media//Where? I Lost My Underwear/Where? I Lost My Underwear.mp3