Friendly and forgiving HTML5/XML5/JSX lexer/parser with lots of tests. Memory-efficient and Web Worker compatible.
Parses HTML/XML/React JSX into tokens.
- Supports HTML, XML, and JSX.
- Zero-copy
This is a zero-copy lexer/parser so it returns an array of offsets.
import Lexx, { NodeTypes } from 'xml-zero-lexer';
const xml = '<p>his divine shadow</p>';
const tokens = Lexx(xml);
// 'tokens' is now:
// [
// [NodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE, 1, 2],
// [NodeTypes.TEXT_NODE, 3, 20],
// [NodeTypes.CLOSE_ELEMENT],
// ]
xml.substring(tokens[0][0], tokens[0][1]);
// would return "p"
xml.substring(tokens[1][0], tokens[1][1]);
// would return "his divine shadow"
5KB gzipped.
Want to turn it back into HTML? Try xml-zero-beautify
Part of XML-Zero.js