
xml2mongo is an Express middleware that imports any XML feed and writes it to a MongoDB

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xml2mongo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xml2mongo';



By Oceanhouse21

Build Status


xml2mongo imports any XML feed and save its objects to a MongoDB. xml2mongo is built as middleware for express.


  • Parse any XML feeds
  • Map feed fields to MongoDB fields
  • Save records in MongoDB
  • Fully customizable


Install xml2mongo

npm install xml2mongo --save

Add the module to your Express app, configure the module, and use as middleware:

var xml2mongo = require('xml2mongo');

var config = {
  db: 'mongodb://localhost/xml2mongo', // name of db
  schema: 'Import', // name of import schema
  model: { company: String, url: String, description: String, title: String, updatedAt: String } // model of import schema

var feed =
  { url: 'http://myfeed.de/feed.atom',
    mapping: [ { source: 'entries[i].author[0].name[0]', target: 'company' }, { source: 'entries[i].id[0]', target: 'url' } ]

router.use('/import', xml2mongo(config, feed));
// the next middleware has req.records available
router.user('/import', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send(200, 'Imported ' + req.records.length + ' records.'


MIT License. Copyright 2014-2015 Oceanhouse21 GmbH. http://www.oceanhouse21.com

You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of Oceanhouse21 GmbH, including without limitation the xml2mongo name.