XMLDSIGjs - KeyInfo
XMLDSIG is short for "XML Digital Signature". This library aims to provide an implementation of XMLDSIG in Typescript/Javascript that uses Web Crypto for cryptographic operations so it can be used both in browsers and in Node.js (when used with a polyfill like node-webcrypto-ossl or node-webcrypto-p11).
This version adds a fix to the SignedXml class that throws an exception when you try to add a Reference with a specific URL before call the sign method. This was specifically with the KeyInfo Reference
This library was modified to help with the Electronic Invoice schema, we swap the values in the KeyInfo section.
Now we adding first the X509 cert then the KeyValue section. We also added some changes in the SignedInfo section to add the Uri as default on each Reference section and we exchange the positions between Uri and Target.
npm install xmldsigjs
The npm module has dist
folder with the following files:
Name | Size | Description |
index.js | 126 Kb | UMD module with external modules. Has comments |
xmldsig.js | 696 Kb | UMD bundle module. Has comments |
xmldsig.min.js | 253 Kb | minified UMD bundled module. No comments |
There is lib
folder with ES2015 JS file which you can use with the rollup
SHA1 | SHA2-256 | SHA2-384 | SHA2-512 | |
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 | X | X | X | X |
RSA-PSS | X | X | X | X |
ECDSA | X | X | X | X |
HMAC | X | X | X | X |
- XmlDsigC14NTransform
- XmlDsigC14NWithCommentsTransform
- XmlDsigExcC14NTransform
- XmlDsigExcC14NWithCommentsTransform
- XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform
- XmlDsigBase64Transform
XMLDSIGjs works with any browser that supports Web Crypto. Since node does not have Web Crypto you will need a polyfill on this platform, for this reason the npm package includes node-webcrypto-ossl; browsers do not need this dependency and in those cases though it will be installed it will be ignored.
If you need to use a Hardware Security Module we have also created a polyfill for Web Crypto that supports PKCS #11. Our polyfill for this is node-webcrypto-p11.
To use node-webcrypto-ossl you need to specify you want to use it, that looks like this:
var xmldsigjs = require("xmldsigjs");
var WebCrypto = require("node-webcrypto-ossl");
xmldsigjs.Application.setEngine("OpenSSL", new WebCrypto());
The node-webcrypto-p11 polyfill will work the same way. The only difference is that you have to specify the details about your PKCS#11 device when you instansiate it:
var xmldsigjs = require("xmldsigjs");
var WebCrypto = require("node-webcrypto-p11");
xmldsigjs.Application.setEngine("PKCS11", new WebCrypto({
library: "/path/to/",
name: "Name of PKCS11 lib",
slot: 0,
sessionFlags: 4, // SERIAL_SESSION
pin: "token pin"
Using XMLDSIG is a bit like running with scissors so use it cautiously. That said it is needed for interoperability with a number of systems, for this reason, we have done this implementation.
SignedXml.Sign(algorithm: Algorithm, key: CryptoKey, data: Document, options?: OptionsSign): PromiseLike<Signature>;
Name | Description |
algorithm | Signing Algorithm |
key | Signing Key |
data | XML document which must be signed |
options | Additional options |
interface OptionsSign {
* Public key for KeyInfo block
keyValue?: CryptoKey;
* List of X509 Certificates
x509?: string[];
* List of Reference
* Default is Reference with hash alg SHA-256 and exc-c14n transform
references?: OptionsSignReference[];
interface OptionsSignReference {
* Id of Reference
id?: string;
uri?: string;
* Hash algorithm
hash: AlgorithmIdentifier;
* List of transforms
transforms?: OptionsSignTransform[];
type OptionsSignTransform = "enveloped" | "c14n" | "exc-c14n" | "c14n-com" | "exc-c14n-com" | "base64";
Verify(key?: CryptoKey): PromiseLike<boolean>;
Name | Description |
key | Verifying Key. Optional. If key not set it looks for keys in KeyInfo element of Signature. |
For Sign/Verify operations you will need to use a Web Crypto CryptoKey. You can see examples for an example of how to do that.
Initiating in NodeJs
"use strict";
const WebCrypto = require("node-webcrypto-ossl");
const crypto = new WebCrypto();
const XmlDSigJs = require("xmldsigjs");
XmlDSigJs.Application.setEngine("OpenSSL", crypto);
Initiating in Browser
<script src="xmldsig.js"></script>
Creating a XMLDSIG Signature
"use strict";
let signature = new XmlDSigJs.SignedXml();
signature.Sign( // Signing document
{ name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" }, // algorithm
keys.privateKey, // key
XmlDSigJs.Parse(xml), // document
{ // options
keyValue: keys.publicKey,
references: [
{ hash: "SHA-512", transforms: ["enveloped", "c14n"] },
.then(() => {
console.log(signature.toString()); // <xml> document with signature
.catch(e => console.log(e));
Checking a XMLDSIG Signature
"use strict";
let doc = XmlDSigJs.Parse(xml);
let signature = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "Signature");
let signedXml = new XmlDSigJs.SignedXml(doc);
.then(res => {
console.log("Signature status:", res); // Signature status: true
.catch(e => console.log(e));
Browser Verify Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>XMLDSIGjs Verify Sample</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="xmldsig.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
.then(function(response) {
return response.text();
}).then(function(body) {
var xmlString = body;
var signedDocument = XmlDSigJs.Parse(xmlString);
var xmlSignature = signedDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "Signature");
var signedXml = new XmlDSigJs.SignedXml(signedDocument);
.then(function (res) {
console.log((res ? "Valid" : "Invalid") + " signature");
.catch(function (e) {
In NodeJS:
npm test
In the browser
To run the browser test you need to run a test server, from the test directory run:
npm start
And the then browse to `http://localhost:3000'.
This project takes inspiration (style, approach, design and code) from both the Mono System.Security.Cryptography.Xml implementation as well as xml-crypto.