
Wrapper for Hornbill Supportworks XMLMC API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmlmc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xmlmc';



A javascript wrapper for the Supportworks XMLMC API. To use run

npm install xmlmc
import { XmlMethodCall } = from 'xmlmc';


The package is isomorphic. To use with webpack or browserify, just require it in your script as you normally would. To use it in a strictly browser environment, just use the minified code in dist/browser. The code will support browsers

= firefox 52 and IE 10 / node >= 6.10

import { XmlMethodCall } from 'xmlmc'
const xmlmc = new XmlMethodCall('https://devserver.local');
xmlmc.session.analystLogon('admin', btoa('password')).then(() => {

function promiseCatcher(e) {

Or use async/await

await xmlmc.session.analystLogon('admin',btoa('password'))

View the full docs here

Tested on all major browsers with great thanks to BrowserStack

Browser Stack