
Convert XML code comments to the JSDoc format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmltojsdoc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xmltojsdoc';



Convert XML code comments to the JSDoc format

Batch converter with drag and drop

Use xmltojsdoc to convert XML comments common in C# and .NET to JSDoc-formatted comments.


///<summary>Adds event listeners to a button</summary>
///<param name="elem" type="Element">Button element</param>
///<param name="options" type="Object">Optional settings</param>
///<returns>True if successful, false if unsuccessful</returns>
///<remark>If no `elem` is specified, the first `.button` on the page will be used</remark>


 * Adds event listeners to a button
 * If no `elem` is specified, the first `.button` on the page will be used
 * @param   {Element}   elem      Button element
 * @param   {Object}    options   Optional settings
 * @return  {[type]}              True if successful, false if unsuccessful