
Monitor of workspace for your scripts with editor during runtime script

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmonitor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xmonitor';


XMonitor Logo

Auditor of your node.js scripts can read variables, reviewing objects, edit values and run functions. All functions present in easy web panel are available from any browsers and devices, all you need - is connect module on your server and open url address anywhere.

Just install

$ npm install xmonitor


$ npm install https://github.com/Piratnewtime/xmonitor/tarball/master

Step two

You need create only one server for take access to your scripts.

const webmonitor = require('xmonitor/master_server')(8080);

webmonitor.init_web('', 4567);

Where 8080 is a socket's port for connect between user and server.

All arguments used as default.

But ⚡important, you must have a free 9696 port! Module use this port for local connect to server!

Step three

Add module to your work scripts

const monitor = require('xmonitor');

and credentials of users for access

monitor.ac({'admin': 'rwx', 'moder': 'rw'});

As you see for access need write login (use random key) and access level (r - read, w - modify, x - execution functions).

Flag r is always applied.

Next and most important - create points for control.


function testfn(a, b = 1){
    return a+b;

let a = 1;
var b = `Test
const c = [3, false, testfn, ['lol', 'ok'], 'string', {check: true, check2: 'true'}, [123, {abc: 'ok'}]];
var d = {
    fn: testfn,
    e: '4',
var f = {
    g: 599999999999999,
    j: {k: 6},
    l: [7],

monitor.add('😀 a', a, val => (a = val)); // number
monitor.add('b', b, val => (b = val)); // string
monitor.add('c', c, (val, i) => { c[i] = val; return c; }); // array
monitor.add('d', d); // object with string
monitor.add('f', f); // multiobjects
monitor.add('function', function(){ return 'Hello, bro!'; }); // function

Little bit about arguments for monitor.add

1-st is name for item as you like.

2-nd is your variable.

3-rd is custom function for update variable (option). Only if variable is not an object or function.


Just start server and all your scripts from any folders!

And review it on address http://host:4567 with your key that was wrote before!