Google authentication plugin for XO-Server
This plugin allows Google users to authenticate to Xen-Orchestra.
The first time a user signs in, XO will create a new XO user with the same identifier.
Installation of the npm package:
> npm install --global xo-server-auth-google
This plugin is based on passport-google, see its documentation for more information about the configuration.
Creating the Google project
Enable the Google+ API:
Add OAuth 2.0 credentials:
Add the plugin to XO-Server config
Like all other xo-server plugins, it can be configured directly via the web iterface, see the plugin documentation.
# Install dependencies
> npm install
# Run the tests
> npm test
# Continuously compile
> npm run dev
# Continuously run the tests
> npm run dev-test
# Build for production (automatically called by npm install)
> npm run build
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You may:
- report any issue you've encountered;
- fork and create a pull request.
AGPL3 © Vates SAS