
The package implements tabular test features for XOD patches. A patch may include a patch.test.tsv spreadsheet file which defines several “input and expected output” lines.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xodTabtest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xod-tabtest';



The package implements tabular test features for XOD patches. A patch may include a patch.test.tsv spreadsheet file which defines several “input and expected output” lines.

Using that data the package can generate a C++ test suite based on Catch2 framework which can be compiled then with a regular GCC and run.

The package does not depend on any Node.js functionality, so may be consumed from browser IDE, desktop IDE, or CLI.

File structure

  • src/Tabtest_Js.re defines public API for JavaScript consumers.
  • src/*.rei define public API for ReasonML consumers.