
Super simple AOP-like tracing framework for Javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xpozr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xpozr';



Super simple AOP-like tracing module for Javascript.


  • Async functions
  • Functions returning Promises
  • Synchronous functions
  • Synchronous functions with callbacks
    • supports callbacks with multiple result arguments (eg: cb(err, result), cb(err, result1, result2) etc.)


  • A test class:
module.exports = class TestWidget {


    getWidget(id) {
        return {
            "id": id,
            "name": "My test widget"
  • Create an instance of the object you would like to wrap, eg:
let widget = new TestWidget();
  • Wrap the object, which will add extensive argument and result logging for every function in the object
const Xpozr = require('xpozr');
let xpozr = new Xpozr();

let wrappedWidget = xpozr.trace(widget);
  • You can use the wrapped object exactly as you normally would:
let result = wrappedWidget.getWidget(2);
  • The console output will be:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ START trace 'Object.getWidget' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- function type: synchronous
- function name: getWidget
- start: 1588751615686
- end: 1588751615686
- duration:  0ms
- args:  [ 2 ]
- result:  { id: 2, name: 'My test widget' }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END trace 'Object.getWidget' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • See the tests (in /test) for more examples