
Light Weight ODM for mongoDb NodeJs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xpressMongo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xpress-mongo';


Xpress Mongo

Note: Version 2, uses mongodb new v4 which includes breaking changes. See mongodb change log for more details. Mongodb Native Client 4.0 Change Log


npm i xpress-mongo
# OR
yarn add xpress-mongo


A light mongodb model/helper library for nodejs, provides modeling for your documents while keeping you very close to mongodb native syntax which is always recommended.

Documentation: https://xpresserjs.com/xpress-mongo

Note: xpress-mongo is not bond to the xpresser framework but was built by same developers, so we decided to host its documentation on the xpresser website.


We are always open to suggestions and contributions 😎, feel free to pull, modify and push.