An opinionated router for express.
This router assumes that you are willing to route the request into controller.action()
style. and by defult it assumes the controller files are located in ./controllers
directory and end in -controller.js
file names. you can always change these options.
Also note that you can specify a resource
name and the router will generate the CRUD routes for you.
install it via npm:
npm install xpress-router --save
simply use it this way:
var express = require('express');
var router = require('xpress-router');
var app = express();
var routes = [
{method: 'get', path: '/', controller: 'home', action: 'index'},
{resource: '/books', controller: 'books'}
router(app, routes);
This code will register these routes:
GET / -> home.index
GET /books -> books.index
GET /books/new -> books.add
POST /books -> books.create
GET /books/:id ->
GET /books/:id/edit -> books.edit
PUT /books/:id -> books.update
DELETE /books/:id -> books.destroy
a sample content for ./controllers/home-controller.js
file would be:
function index(req, res, next){
res.end('This is our homepage.');
module.exports.index = index;
the third parameter for the router is options
and here is its default values. change them if you need to:
controllerDirectory: process.cwd() + '/controllers/',
controllerFileSuffix: '-controller.js',
resourceRoutesTemplate: [
{method: 'get', pathSuffix: '', action: 'index'},
{method: 'get', pathSuffix: '/new', action: 'add'},
{method: 'post', pathSuffix: '', action: 'create'},
{method: 'get', pathSuffix: '/:id', action: 'show'},
{method: 'get', pathSuffix: '/:id/edit', action: 'edit'},
{method: 'put', pathSuffix: '/:id', action: 'update'},
{method: 'delete', pathSuffix: '/:id', action: 'delete'}
logRoutesList: true // in development mode
You can also specify any number of middlewares for each routes:
var routes = [
{method: 'get', path: '/dashboard', controller: 'dashboard', action: 'index'
middlewares: [(req, res, next) => {
//check for user authentication before letting her in