
Look through an xpub for addresses containing funds

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xpubScan from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xpub-scan';



Scans an xpub looking for receive addresses containing bitcoin.


From npm:

npm install -g xpub-scan

From source:

git clone $repo
cd $repo
npm install -g .

Don't want to install globally?

# make index.js executable
# to run: `./index.js <xpub> [options]`
sudo chmod u+x index.js


xpub-scan <xpub> [options]


  -h, --help           output usage information
  -V, --version        output the version number
  -k, --apikey [key]   api key to use for requests
  -o, --offset [n]     starting address index for scan
  -f, --filter <type>  Filter which addresses to output (options: "used", "hasbalance")
  -p, --print-gap [n]  Print out the addresses at every gap limit interval (default: 20)
  --batch-size [n]     amount of addresses to search at once (default: 50)
  --change             Use change xpub chain, rather than receive chain


xpub-scan xpub6DX2ZjB6qgNGPuGobYQbpwXHrn7zue1xWSpg29cw6HxovCE9F4iHqEzjnhXk1PbKrfVGwMMrgQv7Q1wWDDBYzx85C8dsvD6jqc49U2PYstx \
  --apikey a1d46bfb-1bf1-418a-a6c7-4d411825575d \
  --filter hasbalance \

The above command will scan the xpub looking for addresses that currently have a balance (using the provided API key), while also printing out addresses at every gap interval.