XRChat Client
XRChat is an end-to-end solution for hosting humans and non-humans in a virtual space. This project would literally not be possible without the community contributions of Mozilla Hubs, Janus VR, Avaer + Exokit, Mr Doob, Hayden James Lee and many others.
Our goal is an easy-to-use, well documented, end-to-end Javascript (or Typescript) exprience that anyone with a little bit of Javascript and HTML knowledge can dig into, deploy and make meaningful modifications and contributions to. If you fit this category and you are struggling with any aspect of getting started, we want to hear fromm you so that this can be a better exprience.
XRChat is a free, open source, MIT-licensed project. You are welcome to do anything you want with it. We hope that you use it to make something beautiful.
This is the client portion of XRChat. To deploy everything at once with Kubernetes or Docker Compose, check out the branches in xrchat-ops. Or you can start the server with NPM (check out scripts/ to get the database runnning), run the xrchat-client client and everything should connect out of the box.
Getting Started
To run
npm install
npm run build
npm run dev
config file
properties for the NAF networked-scene component
- app unique app name (no spaces)
- room name of initial room
- audio set true to enable audio streaming (if using an adapter that supports it)
- adapter which network service to use
- serverURL where the WebSocket / signalling server is located
- defaultAvatarModelSrc gltf for the default avatar
- defaultAvatarModelScale scale for the default avatar
- src source for the floor texture
- height height(length) of the floor
- width width of the floor
- src source for the skybox texture
- height height(length) of the skybox texture
- width width of the skybox texture
- radius radius of the skybox
- rotation x,y,z rotation of the skybox
- thetaLength skybox's vertical sweep angle size in degrees
You can run it using docker, if you don't have node installed or need to test.
# Build the image
docker build --tag xrchat-client .
# Run the image (deletes itself when you close it)
docker run -d --rm --name client -e "NEXT_PUBLIC_API_SERVER=http://localhost:3030" -p "3000:3000" xrchat-client
# Stop the server
docker stop client
Docker image configurations
This image uses build-time arguments, they are not used during runtime yet
controls the config/*.js file to load and build against [default: production]NEXT_PUBLIC_API_SERVER
points to an instance of the xrchat-server [default: http://localhost:3030]
Redux store management
We are putting Redux actions into redux folder.
There are following files.
actions.ts : In this file, we are defining all actions which is using this app.
feathers.ts : In this file, we defined the feathers app.
You don't need to change this file.
You can set the featherStoreKey
from /config/server.ts
for the storage key of the feathers. : In this file, we synchronize store varialble with local storage.
You don't need to change this file.
You can set localStorageKey
from /config/server.ts
for the redux store key.
reducers : In this file, we are defining all reducers.
Once you add a new reducer, please add that under the line auth: authReducer
If you don't add the reducer into this, you can't dispatch actions you added.
service.common.ts : In this file, we are defining utility functions which are commonly used.
store.ts : In this file, we defined Redux store.
auth/actions.ts : In this file, we defined authentication actions.
auth/reducers.ts : In this file, we defined AuthState and action process routines.
auth/services.ts : In this file, we defined service function for authorization.
auth/selector.ts : In this file, we defined state selector for AuthState.
How to use Redux.
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { bindActionCreators, Dispatch } from 'redux'
import {
} from '../../../redux/auth/service'
import { selectAuthState } from '../../../redux/auth/selector'
interface Props {
auth: any,
loginUserByPassword: typeof loginUserByPassword
const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => {
return {
auth: selectAuthState(state), // fetch authState from store.
// Note: `state` and `auth` is Immutable variable.
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch) => ({
loginUserByPassword: bindActionCreators(loginUserByPassword, dispatch) // Mapping service to props
class Login extends React.Component<LoginProps> {
handleEmailLogin = (e: any) => {
// call service which is mapping with redux.
password: this.state.password
// we should connect Redux and Component like as following.
export default connect(
Tutorial for Redux store.
Let's explain step by step about the login process.
We should declare
actions. Add following lines in/redux/actions.ts
We should define actions && reducers && services.
- Create the
folder in/redux
folder. - Add the
file in/redux/auth
folder. - Add the following codes in
import { LOGIN_USER_BY_GITHUB_ERROR, LOGIN_USER_BY_GITHUB_SUCCESS } from '../actions' export function loginUserSuccess(user: any): any { return { type: LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS, user, message: '' } } export function loginUserError(err: string): any { return { type: LOGIN_USER_ERROR, message: err } }
- Add the
file in/redux/auth
folder. - Add the following codes in
import Immutable from 'immutable' import { LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS, LOGIN_USER_ERROR } from "../actions" export const initialState: AuthState = { isLoggedIn: false, user: undefined, error: '', isProcessing: false } // Note: In next.js, we should use Immutable variable for state type. const immutableState = Immutable.fromJS(initialState) const authReducer = (state = immutableState, action: any): any => { switch(action.type) { case LOGIN_USER_SUCCESS: return state .set('isLoggedIn', true) .set('user', (action as LoginResultAction).user) case LOGIN_USER_ERROR: return state .set('error', (action as LoginResultAction).message) } return state } export default authReducer
- Add the
file in/redux/auth
import { createSelector } from 'reselect' // Note: 'auth' is the state key so you can change this whatever you want. const selectState = (state: any) => state.get('auth') export const selectAuthState = createSelector([selectState], (auth) => auth)
- Add the
file in/redux/auth
... export function loginUserByPassword(form: any) { return (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch(actionProcessing(true)) client.authenticate({ strategy: 'local', email:, password: form.password }) .then((res: any) => { const val = res as AuthUser if (!val.user.isVerified) { client.logout() return dispatch(loginUserError('Unverified user')) } return dispatch(loginUserSuccess(val)) }) .catch(() => dispatch(loginUserError('Failed to login'))) .finally( ()=> dispatch(actionProcessing(false))) } }
- Add the following codes in
file to combine reducers.
import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable' import authReducer from './auth/reducers' export default combineReducers({ auth: authReducer })
- Create the
How to use the Redux store and services in Component. Please refer
How to use Redux
How to access detected device and if WebXR is supported:
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { detectDeviceType } from '../../../redux/devicedetect/service'
import { bindActionCreators, Dispatch } from 'redux'
import { selectDeviceDetectState } from '../../../redux/devicedetect/selector'
interface Props {
deviceInfo: any
const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => {
return {
deviceInfo: selectDeviceDetectState(state),
class Login extends React.Component<Props> {
//this.props.deviceInfo.get('isDetected') -> it will tell us that whether the device is detected or not.
//this.props.deviceInfo.get('isDetected') -> returns true always because it is dispatched in _app.tsx
//this.props.deviceInfo.get('content') -> it will return the entire object with the following content in it
<!-- {
WebXRSupported: true,
device: {
"client": {
"type": "browser",
"name": "Chrome",
"version": "69.0",
"engine": "Blink",
"engineVersion": ""
"os": {
"name": "Mac",
"version": "10.13",
"platform": ""
"device": {
"type": "desktop",
"brand": "Apple",
"model": ""
"bot": null
} -->
// we should connect Redux and Component like as following.
export default connect(
//No need to dispatch, as it is already being dispatched from _app.tsx
//If needed, just in case, then dispatch the 'detectDeviceType' service that is imported above by using mapDispatchToProps, bindActionCreator and Dispatch
<!-- const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch) => ({
detectDeviceType: bindActionCreators(detectDeviceType(arg), dispatch)
}) -->
//detectDeviceType(arg) takes an argument of type 'any' which is object containing device information
//Don't forget to change the Props interface
<!-- interface Props {
deviceInfo: any
detectDeviceType: typeof detectDeviceType
} -->
//lastly add mapDispatchToProps in the connect argument.