
A declarative way to build 3D/VR/AR/XR apps that scale. Built with tooling web developers will love, using conventions that game developers and creative coders will find straightforward familiar.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xr3ngineArmada from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xr3ngine-armada';



A data driven game engine for WebGL, building on Mozilla ECSY with a Behavior pattern to emphasize modularity.

Why Do I Need This?

Everything you need to get started without having to fuss with writng your own input system, state machine, networking layer, etc.


npm install @xr3ngine/armada

How to use

import { World } from 'ecsy'
import {  initializeInput } from '@xr3ngine/armada'

const world = new World()

const options = {
  debug: true

initializeInput(world, options)


To make an object receive input:

import {  addInputHandlingToEntity } from '@xr3ngine/armada'
const newEntity = addInputHandlingToEntity(world.createEntity())

You can override the input mappings per device Input mappings map device input to abstract, cross-platform input

      import { initializeInputSystems } from "../dist/armada.module.js"

      const Input = {
        SCREENXY: 0

      const Actions = {
        PRIMARY: 0,
        SECONDARY: 0,
        FORWARD: 2,
        BACKWARD: 3,
        LEFT: 6,
        RIGHT: 7

      const inputMap = {
        mouse: {
          input: {
            0: Actions.PRIMARY
          input: {
            mousePosition: Input.SCREENXY
        keyboard: {
          input: {
            w: Actions.FORWARD,
            a: Actions.LEFT,
            s: Actions.RIGHT,
            d: Actions.BACKWARD
        actionMap: {
          [Actions.FORWARD]: { opposes: [Actions.BACKWARD] },
          [Actions.BACKWARD]: { opposes: [Actions.FORWARD] },
          [Actions.LEFT]: { opposes: [Actions.RIGHT] },
          [Actions.RIGHT]: { opposes: [Actions.LEFT] }

      // Test input
      const inputOptions = {
        mouse: true,
        keyboard: true,
        touchscreen: true,
        gamepad: true,
        debug: true

      const world = new World()
      initializeInputSystems(world, inputOptions, inputMap)

To Build

npm run build

This will open up the rollup dev server on port 10001 You can see input in the console