
actionbot-wrapper is actions wrapper which wraps I actions and perform an action on element This wrapper allow us to perform some post actions on element before performing an actual action.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xrayDemo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xray-demo';



actionbot-wrapper is actions wrapper which wraps I actions and perform an action on element This wrapper allow us to perform some post actions on element before performing an actual action.

NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/actionbot-wrapper

1.1.5 Date of Publish:12th November 2020

  • Method added to retreive innerHTML from an element
  • grabHTMLFrom: Retrieves the innerHTML from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
  • grabHTMLFromAll: Retrieves all the innerHTML from elements located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.

1.1.4 Date of Publish:8th November 2020

  • Method added to check the title and clear
  • seeTitleEquals: Checks that title is equal to provided one.
  • clearCookie: Clears a cookie by name

1.1.3 Date of Publish:8th November 2020

  • Method added to waits for a text to appear.
  • waitForText: Waits for a text to appear.