
XReport is a nodejs library for making PDF reports using headless chrome, [puppeteer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/puppeteer), [html-pdf-chrome](https://www.npmjs.com/package/html-pdf-chrome) and [ejs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ejs). I built this to

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xreport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xreport';


XReport PDF Reports

XReport is a nodejs library for making PDF reports using headless chrome, puppeteer, html-pdf-chrome and ejs. I built this to make easier to build big reports and keep everything organized and concerns separated.


Use the package manager npm to install xreport.

npm install --save xreport


Each report should have some structure like the next, inside report folder, where template.js is the file that exports the instance of the report template, instance of XTemplate.

|   index.js
    |   main.ejs
    |   template.js
    |       adapter.js

The template.js file looks like , XTemplate is in charge of mixing the main template with it children templates:

const { XTemplate } = require('xreport');

module.exports = new XTemplate({
    // Pointing at the main report file,
    // this main file will normally require other
    // templates.
    main: './main.ejs',

    // This is required to know the relative
    // path.
    dirname: __dirname,

    // Here you can place your data adapter 
    // instances.
    adapters: [

Here the templates of the report, main.js is pointed from template.js and main.ejs requires page1.ejs and page2.ejs, and at the same time children templates(page1.ejs and page2.ejs) requires header.ejs.

<!-- main.ejs -->
<div class="book">
    <!-- This means the content of page1.ejs
    will be appended here. -->
    <!-- Content of page2.ejs will be 
    appended here -->

<!-- ./pages/page1.ejs -->
<div class="page">
    <!-- header.ejs content will be appended here. -->
    <!-- Value of prop1 will be printed here, see ejs
    for more information. -->
    <%= prop1 %>

<!-- ./pages/page2.ejs -->
<div class="page">
    <%= prop2 %>

<!-- ./pages/header.ejs -->
<div class="header">My header</div>

Data adapter will allow us to transform data and also deal with async operations, data adapters are instances of XDataAdapter.

const { XDataAdapter } = require('xreport');
// To return an observable of a value
const { of } = require('rxjs');

// We need to export an instance
// of data adapter and send it to 
// the render method.
module.exports = new XDataAdapter({
    // This defines the property path in the data object
    // that will be rendered into the report and replace the 
    // variables in report template.
    // '.' means object will be merged into the root object
    // of data.

    // This is the method in charge of returning an 
    // observable(for async operations) of data that 
    // will be appended into the report. The source 
    // variable is the source be passed to the render 
    // method.
    adapter: (source) => of({
        prop1: 'Hola',
        // source.prop2 is setted in render method, this could be data or
        // db instance, etc...
        prop2: source.prop2

And finally the render method.

const { xreport } = require('xreport');

    // XTemplate instance sent it 
    // to render method.
    // Source of data, remember 
    // it could be whatever.
        prop2: 'Mundo' // this is used in adapter file.
).subscribe((pdf) => {
    // Use the function you need with this PDF
    // result.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
