XR Extras
This library provides modules that extend the Camera Pipeline Module framework in 8th Wall XR to handle common application needs.
The library is served at //, or can be built from this repository by running
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Hello World
Native JS
<title>XRExtras: Camera Pipeline</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<!-- XR Extras - provides utilities like load screen, almost there, and error handling.
See -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- 8thWall Web - Replace the app key here with your own app key -->
<script async src="//"></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
<canvas id="camerafeed"></canvas>
const onxrloaded = () => {
XR.addCameraPipelineModules([ // Add camera pipeline modules.
// Existing pipeline modules.
XR.GlTextureRenderer.pipelineModule(), // Draws the camera feed.
XRExtras.AlmostThere.pipelineModule(), // Detects unsupported browsers and gives hints.
XRExtras.FullWindowCanvas.pipelineModule(), // Modifies the canvas to fill the window.
XRExtras.Loading.pipelineModule(), // Manages the loading screen on startup.
XRExtras.RuntimeError.pipelineModule(), // Shows an error image on runtime error.
]){canvas: document.getElementById('camerafeed')}) // Request permissions and run camera.
// Show loading screen before the full XR library has been loaded.
const load = () => { XRExtras.Loading.showLoading({onxrloaded}) }
window.onload = () => { window.XRExtras ? load() : window.addEventListener('xrextrasloaded', load) }
<title>XRExtras: A-FRAME</title>
<!-- We've included a slightly modified version of A-Frame, which fixes some polish concerns -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- XR Extras - provides utilities like load screen, almost there, and error handling.
See -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- 8thWall Web - Replace the app key here with your own app key -->
<script async src="//"></script>
<!-- Add the 'xrweb' attribute to your scene to make it an 8th Wall Web A-FRAME scene. -->
<a-camera position="0 8 8"></a-camera>
light="type: directional; castShadow: true; intensity: 0.8; shadowCameraTop: 7;
shadowMapHeight: 1024; shadowMapWidth: 1024;"
position="1 4.3 2.5">
light="type: directional; castShadow: false; intensity: 0.5;" position="-0.8 3 1.85">
<a-light type="ambient" intensity="1"></a-light>
position="-1.7 0.5 -2" rotation="0 45 0" shadow
material="roughness: 0.8; metalness: 0.2; color: #00EDAF;">
position="-1.175 1.25 -5.2" radius="1.25" shadow
material="roughness: 0.8; metalness: 0.2; color: #DD0065;">
position="2 0.75 -1.85" radius="0.5" height="1.5" shadow
material="roughness: 0.8; metalness: 0.2; color: #FCEE21;">
<a-circle position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" radius="4" shadow
material="roughness: 0.8; metalness: 0.5; color: #AD50FF">
Pipeline Modules
Quick Reference:
XR.addCameraPipelineModules([ // Add camera pipeline modules.
// Existing pipeline modules.
XR.GlTextureRenderer.pipelineModule(), // Draws the camera feed.
XRExtras.AlmostThere.pipelineModule(), // Detects unsupported browsers and gives hints.
XRExtras.FullWindowCanvas.pipelineModule(), // Modifies the canvas to fill the window.
XRExtras.Loading.pipelineModule(), // Manages the loading screen on startup.
XRExtras.RuntimeError.pipelineModule(), // Shows an error image on runtime error.
Pipeline Modules:
- AlmostThere.pipelineModule(): Detects if the user is not on a supported device or browser, and provides helpful information for how to view the XR experience.
- FullWindowCanvas.pipelineModule(): Makes sure that the camera display canvas fills the full browser window across device orientation changes, etc.
- Loading.pipelineModule(): Displays a loading overlay and camera permissions prompt while libraries are loading, and while the camera is starting up.
- RuntimeError.pipelineModule(): Shows an error image when an error occurs at runtime.
AFrame Components
Quick Reference:
Javascript Functions:
- XRExtras.AFrame.registerXrExtrasComponents(): Registers the XR Extras AFrame components if they aren't already registered. If AFrame is loaded befor XR Extras, then there is no need to call this method. In the case that AFrame is loaded late and you need to explicitly register the components, you can call this method.
AFrame Components:
- xrextras-almost-there: Detects if the user is not on a supported device or browser, and provides helpful information for how to view the XR experience.
- xrextras-loading: Displays a loading overlay and camera permissions prompt while the scene and libraries are loading, and while the camera is starting up.
- xrextras-runtime-error: Hides the scene and shows an error image when an error occurs at runtime.
- xrextras-tap-recenter: Calls 'XR.recenter()' when the AFrame scene is tapped.
Fonts: Provides common .css for fonts used by various modules.
DebugWebViews: Provides utilities for debugging javascript while it runs in browsers embedded in applications.
Quick Reference:
<script src="//"></script>
const screenlog = () => {
console.log('screenlog enabled')
window.XRExtras ? screenlog() : window.addEventListener('xrextrasloaded', screenlog)