
Auto generate typescript files for XRM Entities. This is based upon https://www.npmjs.com/package/dyn365-deploy-cli

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xrmGenerate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xrm-generate';



Auto generate typescript files for XRM Entities. This is based upon https://www.npmjs.com/package/dyn365-deploy-cli

npm (tag)


I wanted to change some parts of auto-generated files in dyn365-deploy-cli but couldn't find any place where the code is open sourced so I took the liberty to take some part of their code and modified it for my personal need. Since this project is released under ISC licence (same as dyn365-deploy-cli) feel free to modify it for your need.

This project removes dependency to crm-common-js which still uses XRM.Page internally. Instead Xrm FormContext is passed as dependency to generated classes.

How to run

xrm init

Generate config similar to dyn365-deploy-cli. Contains password in plaintext so it is not meant to be commited in repoistory. Add the generated file to .gitignore

xrm generate <entity-name>

Generates 2 Entity classes. One for WebAPi calls and other for CRM Form. The form class encapsulates common methods to interact with CRM form. Read dyn365-deploy-cli generate document for more details.


  • Change Authenticaiton method from username-password to Application User (client-secret).
  • Add configuration to change the output directory.
  • Allow user to modify template.

Currently I have no plan to make any more changes to this project. Please feel free to raise PR for any new feature or bugs.