
Package, install, run, and publish distributed spatial web applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xrpkCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xrpk-core';



Package, install, run, and publish distributed spatial web applications.

Develop and test standard GLTF + WebXR applications locally and publish to IPFS and Ethereum.

Currently Rinkeby Ethereum testnet only.

Install xrpk

npm install -g xrpk

Can also be used to update xrpk.

Install a package

xrpk install [id]

This will download the given package id locally.

Build .wbn package

# supports gltf,glb,vrm,html
xrpk build yourfile.glb # build package with the model file

This will open your browser to screenshot. It will output the resulting WebPackage to a.wbn. It will also output a.wbn.gif as a screenshot and a.wbn.glb as a 3D model preview.

Run a package

xrpk run a.wnb

Run a.wbn in the browser.

Log into wallet

xrkp login

Follow the prompts to create or import a wallet.

Publish a package

xrkp publish a.wbn

Publish a package to IPFS and Ethereum. Must be logged in and must have sufficient balance to message the Ethereum network.