
XpertRule node.js runtime server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xrserver from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xrserver';


================================ Install XpertRule Node.js Server

For Windows

  1. Install node.js see (http://www.nodejs.org/)

  2. Make a folder (anywhere) and copy the xpertrule install files into it

    You should now see 4 files in your folder... package.json (the NPM install profile) readme.txt (this file) start_xrserver.bat (windows batch file for starting the server) xrserver.js (the actual XpertRule node.js server)

  3. From a command line, CD into your folder and type...

    npm install

    This will install the dependant packages into the node-modules sub-folder

  4. Start the server by double-clicking the start_xr_server.bat file

  5. To configure your server, point your web browser to... Here you can change the port, server name, but most importantly the upload password (used for deploying applications from XpertRule knowledge Builder, XpertRule web author or Direct Upload) Click the "Save changes" button, close the command prompt window and restart your server by double-clicking the start_xr_server.bat file n.b. If you wish to change your server configuration in future, delete the settings.js file from the folder in step 2

Other OS Installs

See https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager Then Continue with step 2 for windows

=================== Starting the server

On windows, you can start the xpertrule server with start_xrserver.bat file. Alternatively, use the following command... node xrserver.js

======================================= Install Node.js with additional modules

  1. To use other modules simply obtain the packages and open a command prompt, change the working directory to the folder of where Node.js has been installed and execute the following type of command... npm install colors

  2. From within the knowledge base add appropriate Javascript to include and setup the package...

var colors = require('colors'); colors.setTheme({ debug: 'blue', });

  1. Then when needed in the knowledge base add suitable Javascript...

console.log("Hello World".debug);

=========================================== Manually uploading knowledge to your server

To manually upload knowledge to your server, point your web browser to

From here you can specify the knowledge zip file (which you have previously created from XpertRule web author)