
IP utilities module of XRT library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xrtlibraryIpUtilities from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xrtlibrary-ip-utilities';


# XRTLibrary-IP-Utilities


A utility library to manipulate IP addresses.


To install this package, type following command in your terminal:

npm install xrtlibrary-ip-utilities --save

And then, you can import this package in your NodeJS environment with following "require" statement.

var XRTLibIPUtilities = require("xrtlibrary-ip-utilities");


In this library, we provide three API that can load a string-formed IP address, see following:

try {
    //  Load IPv4 address.
    var ip1 = XRTLibIPUtilities.LoadIPv4("");

    //  Load IPv6 address.
    var ip2 = XRTLibIPUtilities.LoadIPv6("::abcd:efgh");

    //  Load whatever IPvX (X = 4/6).
    var ip3 = XRTLibIPUtilities.LoadAny("");
    var ip4 = XRTLibIPUtilities.LoadAny("::abcd:efgh");
    var ip5 = XRTLibIPUtilities.LoadAny("::ffff:");
    var ip6 = XRTLibIPUtilities.LoadAny("");
} catch(error) {
    //  If the address is error, an error will be raised.

To compare whether two addresses are equal, use "isEqual()". See following:

console.log(ip1.isEqual(ip1));  //  true.
console.log(ip1.isEqual(ip2));  //  false.
console.log(ip1.isEqual(ip5));  //  true.

To stringify a parsed IP address, use "toString()" method. See following:


To get whether an IP address is IPv4 or IPv6, use "getFamily()" method. See following:

if (ip1.getFamily() == XRTLibIPUtilities.Family.AF_INET) {
    console.log("IP 1 is IPv4 address.");
} else if (ip1.getFamily() == XRTLibIPUtilities.Family.AF_INET6) {
    console.log("IP 1 is IPv6 address.");
} else {
    console.log("Unknown address family.");

To mask an address with a mask address, use "mask()" method. See following:

console.log(ip1.mask(ip6).toString());  //  "".

To mask an address with a prefix, use "maskByPrefix()" method. See following:

console.log(ip1.maskByPrefix(24).toString());  //  "".

To get the 32-bit hash code of an IP address, use "getHashCode()" method. See following:


To get whether an IP address is bound to a local interface, use "isLocalInterfaceAddress()" method. See following:

console.log(ip3.isLocalInterfaceAddress()); //  Generally returns true.
console.log(INetIP.LoadAny("::1").isLocalInterfaceAddress()); //  Generally returns true.
console.log(INetIP.LoadAny("0:0::1").isLocalInterfaceAddress()); //  The same as previous.


Unstable now, so inspect the API with your Node.JS console. After our API becomes stable, we will release the API table.