
XSalsa20 codec that implements tha abstract-encoding interface.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xsalsa20Encoding from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xsalsa20-encoding';



XSalsa20 codec that implements that abstract-encoding interface. Nonces are generated randomly and prepended to the ciphertext.


$ npm install xsalsa20-encoding


const codec = require('xsalsa20-encoding')(secretKey)

// encode a value
buffer = codec.encode(value)

// decode a value
value = codec.decode(buffer)


const crypto = require('crypto')
const Codec = require('xsalsa20-encoding')

const key = crypto.randomBytes(32)

const codec = Codec(key)
const hello = codec.encode('hello')
const world = codec.encode('world')

console.log('%s %s', codec.decode(hello), codec.decode(world)) // 'hello world'

Custom Value Encodings

const pbs = require('protocol-buffers')
const { Message } = pbs(`
message {
  string data = 1;

const codec = Codec(key, { valueEncoding: Message })
const encoded = codec.encode({ data: 'hello world' })
const message = codec.decode(encoded) // { data: 'hello world' }


codec = require('xsalsa20-encoding')([secretKey[, opts])

Create a codec object from 32 byte secretKey.

const key = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const codec = Codec(key)

buffer = codec.encode(value[, output[, offset]])

Encode a value using xsalsa20 (XOR) into an optional output buffer at an optional offset defaulting to 0. If an output buffer is not given, one is allocated for you and returned.

const buffer = codec.encode('hello world')

value = codec.decode(buffer[, offset])

Decode a buffer using xsalsa20 (XOR) at an optional offset defaulting to 0.

const value = codec.decode(buffer)

length = codec.encodingLength(value)

Returns the encoding length for a given value.

const length = codec.encodingLength('hello world') // 35
