
middleware to sanitize user input

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xssClean from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xss-clean';



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Node.js Connect middleware to sanitize user input coming from POST body, GET queries, and url params. Works with Express, Restify, or any other Connect app.

How to Use

npm install xss-clean --save
var restify = require('restify')
var xss = require('xss-clean')

var app = restify.createServer()


/* make sure this comes before any routes */


This will sanitize any data in req.body, req.query, and req.params. You can also access the API directly if you don't want to use as middleware.

var clean = require('xss-clean/lib/xss').clean

var cleaned = clean('<script></script>')
// will return "&lt;script>&lt;/script>"

Testing & Contributing

npm install
npm test

If you want to contribute or come across an issue that you know how to fix, just do it.