
This package is a component developed based on custom element v1.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xtejsComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xtejs-components';



XteJS components is a component developed based on custom element v1.



npm install xtejs-components;


Camera component with controller, menu and overlay canvas.

Version 1.05 added play and pause features.

Camera component with controller, menu and overlay canvas

Camera playback button capture

Camera pause button capture

Optional Attributes:

|Attribute|Value|Description| |-|-|-| |autoplay|true|false|Specify to open the camera when ready. The default is not to open automatically.| |control|true|false|Specifies to display the camera control. (Camera shooting button, camera face switching button, etc.) The default is to display.The default is back.| |menu|true|false|Specifies to display the camera menu. The default is to display.| |facing|back|front|Specify the camera face. The front is "front" and the back is "back".|


#camera {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  width: 414px !important;
  height: 736px !important;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);


<xj-camera id="camera" control menu autoplay facing="back">
    <xj-camera-menu-item href="#">Home</xj-camera-menu-item>
    <xj-camera-menu-item href="#">About</xj-camera-menu-item>
    <xj-camera-menu-item href="#">Events</xj-camera-menu-item>


import 'xtejs-components';

// Get the camera element
const camera = document.querySelector('#camera');

// If the autoplay attribute is true, please wait for the camera to open first.
await camera.waitOpened();

// The following is the basic operation of the camera.
// Open front camera
await camera.open('front');

// Open rear camera
await camera.open('back');

// Play

// Pause.

// The following are the events issued by the camera.
  .on('opened', event => {
    // Called when open
  .on('played', event => {
    // Called after playing
  .on('paused', event => {
    // Called when paused
  .on('capture', event => {
    // Called after the shoot button is pressed.
    // The captured image can be received from "event.detail.dat" in base64 format.

Passcode authentication.

Passcode authentication


<xj-passcode id="passcode"></xj-passcode>


import "xtejs-components";

const correctPasscode = '1234';
const passcode = document.querySelector('#passcode');

// Event handler when passcode input is completed
passcode.authenticate(correctPasscode, success => {
  // If the passcode is correct, the success variable will be true.
  if (success) {
    alert('Authenticated Successfully');
  } else {
    alert('Authentication Failed');


There are some examples in "./examples" in this package.Here is the first one to get you started.