
AngularJS wrapper to consume API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xyzAngularSwapi from '';


AngularJS service for Star Wars API

An AngularJS service wrapping Stars Wars API (, inspired by SWAPI-Wrapper by Raymond Camden.

The service is completly promise oriented and offers access to from AngularJS applications.

The xyz.angular.swapi modules comes with one angular constant swapiEndpoints, used internally by the main service swapiService.

To use the service just import the module in your AngularJS application and inject the swapiService whre required.

// include the module
angular.module('myStarWarsApp', ['xyz.angular.swapi']).

controller('jediController', ['swapiService', 
  function($scope, swapiService) {
    // get luke skywalker data
      $scope.luke = lukeData;
  <li>Name: {{}}</li>
  <li>Eyes color: {{luke.eye_color}}</li>
  <li>Skin color: {{luke.skin_color}}</li>

For any end-point exposed by 3 methods are available:

  • get specific resource by type and id
  • get all resources for a given type
  • get JSON Schema for a given type

Complete API, all methods return a promise.


  • film(id) return one film
  • films([page]) return all films paginated. If no page is passed defaults to 1.
  • filmSchema() return the JSON Schema for the film resource


  • person(id) return one person
  • people([page]) return all people paginated. If no page is passed defaults to 1.
  • peopleSchema() return the JSON Schema for the people resource


  • planet(id) return one planet
  • planets([page]) return all planets paginated. If no page is passed defaults to 1.
  • planetSchema() return the JSON Schema for the planet resource


  • singleSpecies(id) return one species
  • species([page]) return all species paginated. If no page is passed defaults to 1.
  • speciesSchema() return the JSON Schema for the species resource


  • starship(id) return one starship
  • starships([page]) return all starships paginated. If no page is passed defaults to 1.
  • starshipSchema() return the JSON Schema for the starship resource


  • vehicle(id) return one vehicle
  • vehicles([page]) return all vehicles paginated. If no page is passed defaults to 1.
  • vehicleSchema() return the JSON Schema for the vehicle resource

Work in progress

An integration with the local storage has been already done but has external dependencies. Will be added as soon as we can remove all dependencies.