
Yekonga Admin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import yekongaAdmin from '';


Yekonga Server

oclif Version Downloads/week License

Yekonga Server is an open source backend that can be deployed to any infrastructure that can run Node.js.


Yekonga Server works with the Express web application framework. It can be added to existing web applications, or run by itself.


Getting Started


you can install globelly

npm install -g yekonga-server 

OR direct to your project

npm install --save yekonga-server

Create server

  yekonga-server/2.1.7 win32-x64 node-v14.15.4

  $ yekonga [COMMAND]

  create    Describe the command here
  generate  Describe the command here
  help      display help for yekonga

Create project command

  $ yekonga create [PROJECT]

  -d, --dirname=dirname  app directory name
  -f, --force            Force generate / overide existing
  -h, --help             show CLI help
  -n, --name=name        app name
  -p, --port=port        [default: 1093] server running port
  -p, --public=public    [default: public] generate public directory
  -t, --triggers         create triggers function
  -t, --template         generate template
  -v, --version          show CLI version

Generate triggers command

  $ yekonga generate

  -c, --config=config      App config file name
  -d, --database=database  App database structure file name
  -f, --force              Force generate / overide existing
  -h, --help               show CLI help
  -t, --trigger=trigger    Trigger name
  -t, --triggers           Force generate / overide existing
  -v, --version            show CLI version

Running Yekonga Server

// configation json file
const config = require('./config.json');

// database structure json file
const database = require('./database.json');

// set configarations
Yekonga.setConfig(config, database); 

// start the server

Database structure

database structure is json array of objects, Database structure sample json file with "users" collection

        "_id": { "collection": "users" },
        "userId": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
        "firstName": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
        "lastName": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
        "email": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
        "password": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
        "role": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
        "token": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": false },
        "status": { "type": "Number", "default": 0, "required": true },
        "isActive": { "type": "Boolean", "default": false, "required": true },
        "createdAt": { "type": "Date", "default": "now", "required": false },
        "updatedAt": { "type": "Date", "default": "now", "required": false }

Take one field of users collection

"userId": { "type": "String", "default": null, "required": true },
  • "userId" is the field of the collection/table
  • "type" => userId.type is data type to be stored
  • "default" => userId.default is default value
  • "required" => userId.required werether the value required or not

Database structure can be accessed via



Configuration value can be accessed as below

// config value can be access by 

// example

Configuration is the json file with below data

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | appName | System | String | Option | Name of the application |
| appId | null | String | Option | Application ID |
| masterKey | null | String | Option | application key |
| enableAppKey | false | boolean | Option | Make api access require appId or not |
| domain | null | string | Option | main domain that allow to access app |
| domainAlias | [] | array | Option | all alowed domains | | address | System | String | Option | host IP address
| baseUrl | System | String | Option | - | | restApi | System | String | Option | - | | restAuthApi | System | String | Option | - | | secureOnly | System | String | Option | - | | debug | System | String | Option | - | | endToEndEncryption | System | String | Option | - | | authPlaygroundEnable | System | String | Option | - | | apiPlaygroundEnable | System | String | Option | - | | enableDashboard | false | boolean | Option | - | | allowCreateFrontend | false | boolean | Option | - | | namingConvection | camelcase | String | Option | camelcase, underscorecase| | columnNamingConvection | underscorecase | String | Option | - | | namingConvectionOptions | ["camelcase", "underscorecase"] | array | Option | - | | public | public | String | Option | - | | cloud | null | String | Option | - | | logFile | null | String | Option | - | | emailTemplate | null | String | Option | - | | googleApiKey | null | String | Option | - | | permissions | more... | object | Option | - | | graphql | more... | object | Option | - | | defaultDatabase | mongoDB | String | Option | - | | | database | more... | object | required | - | | authentication | more... | object | Option | - | | ports | more... | object | Option | - | | mail | more... | object | Option | - |

Permissions configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | authActions | [] | array | Option | - | | guestActions | [] | array | Option | - |

Graphql configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | apiRoute | null | string | Option | graphql api route | | apiAuthRoute | null | string | Option | graphql api route | | customTypes | null | string | Option | relative path of custom graphql schema | | customResolvers | null | string | Option | relative path of custom graphql resolver | | customAuthTypes | null | string | Option | relative path of auth custom graphql schema | | customAuthResolvers | null | string | Option | relative path of auth custom graphql resolver | | enabledForClasses | [] | array | Option | - |
| disabledForClasses | [] | array | Option | - |
| authResolvers | [] | array | Option | - |
| authClasses | [] | array | Option | - |
| guestResolvers | [] | array | Option | - |
| guestClasses | [] | array | Option | - |
| authQuery | more... | string | Option | - |

Graphql.authQuery configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | user | [] | array | Option | field that are to be queried on users | account | [] | array | Option | field that are to be queried on accounts

Database configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | {key} | more... | object | Option | - |

Database.{key} configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | type | null | string | Option | - | | host | null | string | Option | - | | port | null | string | Option | - | | databaseName | null | string | Option | - | | username | null | string | Option | - | | password | null | string | Option | - | | prefix | null | string | Option | - | | generateID | null | string | Option | - | | generateIDLengh | null | string | Option | - |

Authentication configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | saltRound | 7 | number | Option | - | | algorithm | HS512 | string | Option | - | | tokenSecret | null | string | Option | - | | cryptojsKey | null | string | Option | - | | cryptojsIv | null | string | Option | - |

Ports configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | server | null | number | Option | - | | secure | null | number | Option | - | | socket | null | number | Option | - | | redis | null | number | Option | - |

Mail configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | smtp | more... | object | Option | - |

Mail.smtp configuration

| Key | Default Value | Type | | Description | |-|-|-|-|-| | service | null | string | Option | - | | host | null | string | Option | - | | port | null | number | Option | - | | secure | null | boolean | Option | - | | from | null | string | Option | - | | domain | null | string | Option | - | | username | null | string | Option | - | | password | null | string | Option | - |

Database Function

DataModel Functions

All DataModel method return promise


| Method | Params | Result | Description | |-|-|-|-| | findOne | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | find | filter, context, isAdmin | array | return array of object of Model class eg User | | paginate | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | download | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | summary | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | count | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | sum | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | max | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | min | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | graph | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | create | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | update | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User | | delete | filter, context, isAdmin | object | return object of Model class eg User |


let user = await Yekonga.DataModel.User.findOne({}, null, true);

Database Functions


// single user object
let users = Yekonga.DB.table('users')
    .where('userId', 'xxx')

// list of users
let users = Yekonga.DB.table('users').find();

Cloud Functions

Define Functions

Define function

Yekonga.Cloud.define('someFunction', async function(data) {


Run defined function'someFunction', data);

Trigger Functions

Before Login

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeLogin(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Login

Yekonga.Cloud.afterLogin(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before OTP

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeOtp(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

After OTP

Yekonga.Cloud.afterOtp(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Registration

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeRegistration(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Registration

Yekonga.Cloud.afterRegistration(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Reset Password

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeResetPassword(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Reset Password

Yekonga.Cloud.afterResetPassword(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Change Password

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeChangePassword(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Change Password

Yekonga.Cloud.afterChangePassword(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Logout

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeLogout(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Logout

Yekonga.Cloud.afterLogout(async (data) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Find

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeFind('User', async (filter, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Find

Yekonga.Cloud.afterFind('User', async (filter, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Save

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeSave('User', async (input, filter, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Save

Yekonga.Cloud.afterSave('User', async (result, input, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Create

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeCreate('User', async (input, filter, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Create

Yekonga.Cloud.afterCreate('User', async (result, input, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Update

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeUpdate('User', async (input, filter, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Update

Yekonga.Cloud.afterUpdate('User', async (result, input, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

Before Delete

Yekonga.Cloud.beforeDelete('User', async (filter, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

After Delete

Yekonga.Cloud.afterDelete('User', async (result, context) => { /* code goes here */ });

Custom url

const app = Yekonga.route;

app.get('/custom-url', function(req, res){

    return res.send('This is custom url');

Helper functions

| Method | Params | Result | Description | |-|-|-|-| | Yekonga.Helper.execAsync | (cmd, pipe, callback) | String | - | | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.encrypt | (data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.decrypt | (data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.bcrypt | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.formatPhone | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.get, async (url, headers) | String | - | |, async (url, body, headers, multipart) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.request | (method, options) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.saveFile | (data, dir) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.generateFile | (template, options) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.createFile | (file, data, isRoot) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.writeFile | (file, data, isRoot) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.readFile | (file) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.copy | (source, dist, root) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.rootpath | (filename) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.realpath | (filename) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.setLocation | (location) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.checkLocation | (name, tag, parent) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.storeFile | (req, res) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.setLocalAddress, async (content) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getSystemInfo | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.textTemplate | (templateString, data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.uuid | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.uuid3 | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.uuid4 | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.uuid5 | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.uniqueId | (table) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getRandomString | (length, type) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getRandomInt | (length) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getHexString | (length) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.databaseUUID | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTitle | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getHeading | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getSentence | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getSlug | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getLink | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getName | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTable | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getClass | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getClassVariable | (value, singular) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getVariable | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getColumn | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.formatToVariables | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.formatToColumn | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getDefaultValues | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getValidFields | (input, validFields, isCreate, relations) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getUnderscore | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isRelation | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isBoolean | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.toPlural | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.toSingular | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTableByName | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getPrimaryName | (schema) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getChildren | (schema) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getParents | (schema) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getRelationName | (table) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getAbbreviation | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTimestampInt | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getIsoTimestamp | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.toTimestampString | (value, format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTimestamp | (format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getDate | (format = 'YYYY-MM-DD') | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTime | (format = 'HH:mm') | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.copyJson | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isGeneralTable | (data, ignore = false) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isId | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isColumnUrl | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isColumnMultiple | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isLongText | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isTimestampColumn | (name, data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isSearchColumn | (name, data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isTypeColumn | (name, data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isMap | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isNumeric | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getGraphqlType | (name, field, isInput = false) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getMongodbType | (name, field) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getMongodbDefault | (name, field) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getType | (name, value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getInput | (name, type) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.bcryptPassword | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.attemptLogin | async (key, value, password, type = "normal") | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getLoginData | async (user, accountId = null) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getToken | (payload) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getRelatedTable | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getSchemaOf | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.schemaToData | (name) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getTableDataWithRelations | () | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.translate | async (content, from, to) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.colorize = function colorize(color, output) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.printLog | (title, text, color = 'white', newLine = true) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.log | (title, text, color = 'white') | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.logInline | (title, text, color = 'white') | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.wait | async (time = 10000) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.hasManyThrough | (child, data) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.addSlashes | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.escape | (value) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.validateEmail | (email) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isEmail | (email) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.translateProcess | async (live, locale, lang, flag) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.createLanguage | async (db, locale, lang, flag) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.saveTranslation | async (db, row) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.savePermission | async (db, row) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.translateBandle | async (trans, locale, db) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.encryptUrl | (body) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.decryptUrl | (body) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.isPermitted | (key, defaultValue = false) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.sendMail | async (options) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getEmailContent | (name, content) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getRegistrationEmail | async (name, content) | String | - | | Yekonga.Helper.getResetPasswordEmail | async (name, content) | String | - |


Custom Action

Action for approve user example

Yekonga.Cloud.setAction('User', 'approve', async ({params})=>{
    const {where, action, accessRole } = (params)? params: {};

    return await Yekonga.DataModel.User.update({ status: 1}, where, null, true);

The mutation for above will be as shown below

mutation {
    userAction(where:{userId:{equalTo:"xxx"}}, action:"approve") {
  • User is class name
  • approve is action name, can be anything string

Custom Graphql

Custom graphql schema must be configued on the customTypes in Graphql Configuration in config file

Note: for auth Custom graphql resolver must be configued on the customAuthTypes in Graphql Configuration in config file

Graphql schema example

type BlockUserResponse {
    status: Boolean,
    success: Boolean

extend type Query {
    blockUser ( userId: String! ): BlockUserResponse,

Custom graphql resolver must be configued on the customResolvers in Graphql Configuration in config file

Note: for auth Custom graphql resolver must be configued on the customAuthResolvers in Graphql Configuration in config file

Graphql resolver example

module.exports = {
    Query: {
        blockUser: async function(parent, params, context) {
            // code goes here

            return  {status: false, success: false}


Contributors names and contact info ex. Robert Konga
ex. @robertkonga

Version History


This project is licensed under the [NAME HERE] License - see the file for details