
Vite but prerender

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import zipe from '';


⚡ ZIPE ⚡

Vite but prerender

⚠️ EXPERIMENTAL - Currently only supporting render entry file, no special SSR handling, that will be in the works for the next versions

vite is "fast"⚡ but how fast can it render on the server?

zipe will compile the components on the fly and cache them, if the component change it will refresh the cache, making it super quick to render.

The HMR is the same as vite so no more page reloads, only the changed component updates.


  • Proof of concept
  • SSR with HMR
  • importing js/ts files in SFC
  • CSS scoped
  • Async imports

NOT working

  • HMR on the first file change, only works when is more than 1 save
  • No build support for now
  • No router
  • No source maps
  • css modules
  • css scope seems not to be working when doing SSR
  • No JSX/TSX support
  • Custom HTML index file or vue-router

No support

  • web_modules not supported on the server side, it will try to import by name. eg: import('lodash')


  • Custom HTML template
  • vue-router support (some limitations, for example adding new routes on the fly and such)
  • source-maps currently source maps don't exist, may need help here.
  • lifecycle hooks with composition-api
  • some composables to get request info, etc.
  • Building SPA and static
  • SSR serve
  • Add option to disable HMR and some dev cache features to be able to run this in a server
  • Tests


# install with yarn
yarn add zipe

# install with npm
npm install zipe


Create a plugin and provide the entry file for the SSR

const { createViteSSR } = require("zipe");
const { createServer } = require("vite");

const SSR = createViteSSR(({ app, zipeSSR }) => {
  app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    if (ctx.path === "/") {
      // return the HTML
      ctx.body = await zipeSSR("/App.vue"); // component path relative to root
    if (ctx.path === "/output") {
      ctx.body = await zipeSSR("/views/Test.vue");

    await next();

  plugins: [SSR],


git clone

cd zipe


yarn dev & yarn playground

# edit /App.vue
# or go to src/_playground.ts and change