
ZFS sync

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import zsync from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/zsync';



This is another program and library for synchronizing/replicating ZFS datasets using the nodejs platform. Source datasets are found using globs via the minimatch module.


  • Rename the module? Open to suggestions.
  • Add --progress
  • Add function to remove destination snapshots that don't exist in source



npm install -g zsync


npm install zsync


Install zsync on the source and destination hosts. Make sure that the user account under which zsync will be running on both hosts has access to the zfs command line utility and initiate a key based SSH session.



Find the datasets you are interested in replicating

$ zsync list

$ zsync list "pool1/**"

$ zsync list --exclude "*/*2" "pool1/*"

Check the status against a destination pool on a remote server

$ zsync status --exclude "*/*2" "pool1/*" pool3 someserver
source      destination        destination-host  up-to-date  latest-snap-shot
pool1/sub1  pool3/sub1         someserver        false

Push a sync to a destination pool on a remote server

$ zsync push --replication --force --exclude "*/*2" "pool1/*" pool3 someserver


Configuration files for the CLI may be stored in ~/.zsync.json or /etc/zsync.json. The config file is a simple JSON file structured like this:

    "preset1" : {
        "glob" : "pool1/*",
        "exclude" : "*/*swap",
        "destination" : "pool3",
        "destinationHost" : "someserver",
        "replication" : true,
        "force" : true

Then you can do things like:

$ zsync push preset1
$ zsync status preset1
$ zsync snapshot preset1 hourly
$ zsync rotate preset1 hourly 24


Usage: list [options] [glob/preset]

list file systems

  -u, --user [user]               remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                 path to ssh private key
  -t, --type [type]               filter file system types
  -g, --glob [glob]               dataset-glob search glob
  -x, --exclude [glob]            exclude datasets by glob, comma separated
  -R, --recursive                 recursive fs lookup
  -s, --source [dataset]          fs/vol name
  -S, --source-host [host]        host on which the source dataset resides
  -l, --lock-file [path]          lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]  how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]           output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                   verbose output
  -V, --debug                     enable debug output.
  -C, --config [path]             path to presets config file, supersedes all other possible configs
  -h, --help                      output usage information


Usage: status [options] [glob/preset] [destination] [destination-host]

get the sync status between a source dataset and destination dataset

  -u, --user [user]                remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                  path to ssh private key
  -t, --type [type]                filter file system types
  -g, --glob [glob]                dataset-glob search glob
  -x, --exclude [glob]             exclude datasets by glob, comma separated
  -R, --recursive                  Send all fileystems/volumes in source-dataset
  -s, --source [dataset]           source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [host]         host on which the source dataset resides
  -d, --destination [name]         destination-base, eg: pool2/virtual-disks, pool2
  -D, --destination-host [host]    host on which the destination dataset resides
  -n, --destination-drop [number]  [number] of elements to drop from the left side of [source-dataset].
  -N, --destination-keep [number]  [number] of elements to keep from the right side of [source-dataset]
  -l, --lock-file [path]           lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]   how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]            output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output
  -V, --debug                      enable debug output.
  -C, --config [path]              path to presets config file, supersedes all other possible configs
  -h, --help                       output usage information


Usage: push [options] [glob/preset] [destination] [destination-host]

push a local dataset to another dataset optionally on a remote host

  -u, --user [user]                   remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                     path to ssh private key
  -t, --type [type]                   filter file system types
  -g, --glob [glob]                   dataset-glob search glob
  -x, --exclude [glob]                exclude datasets by glob, comma separated
  -R, --recursive                     Send all fileystems/volumes in source-dataset
  -s, --source [source-dataset]       source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [source-host]     host on which the source dataset resides
  -d, --destination [name]            destination-base, eg: pool2/virtual-disks, pool2
  -D, --destination-host [host]       host on which the destination dataset resides
  -n, --destination-drop [number]     [number] of elements to drop from the left side of [source-dataset].
  -N, --destination-keep [number]     [number] of elements to keep from the right side of [source-dataset]
  -L, --latest                        only send the latest snapshot when doing an incremental send
  -F, --force                         force receive (may cause rollback)
  -r, --replication                   enable a replication stream
  -c, --continue                      continue on to the next dataset if errors are encountered
  -e, --fallback-rename-destination   if destination dataset exists and there is no common snapshot, then rename the remote dataset before send.
  -X, --fallback-destroy-destination  if destination dataset exists and there is no common snapshot, then destroy the remote dataset before send.
  -l, --lock-file [path]              lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]      how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]               output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                       verbose output
  -V, --debug                         enable debug output.
  -C, --config [path]                 path to presets config file, supersedes all other possible configs
  -h, --help                          output usage information


Usage: pull [options] [glob/preset] [source-host] [destination] [destination-host]

pull  dataset from a remote host to another dataset optionally on a remote host

  -u, --user [user]                   remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                     path to ssh private key
  -t, --type [type]                   filter file system types
  -g, --glob [glob]                   dataset-glob search glob
  -x, --exclude [glob]                exclude datasets by glob, comma separated
  -R, --recursive                     Send all fileystems/volumes in source-dataset
  -s, --source [source-dataset]       source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [source-host]     host on which the source dataset resides
  -d, --destination [name]            destination-base, eg: pool2/virtual-disks, pool2
  -D, --destination-host [host]       host on which the destination dataset resides
  -n, --destination-drop [number]     [number] of elements to drop from the left side of [source-dataset].
  -N, --destination-keep [number]     [number] of elements to keep from the right side of [source-dataset]
  -L, --latest                        only send the latest snapshot when doing an incremental send
  -F, --force                         force receive (may cause rollback)
  -r, --replication                   enable a replication stream
  -c, --continue                      continue on to the next dataset if errors are encountered
  -e, --fallback-rename-destination   if destination dataset exists and there is no common snapshot, then rename the remote dataset before send.
  -X, --fallback-destroy-destination  if destination dataset exists and there is no common snapshot, then destroy the remote dataset before send.
  -l, --lock-file [path]              lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]      how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]               output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                       verbose output
  -V, --debug                         enable debug output.
  -C, --config [path]                 path to presets config file, supersedes all other possible configs
  -h, --help                          output usage information


Usage: snapshot [options] [glob/preset] [tag] [dateformat]

create snapshots on datasets matching a glob using an optional tag

  -u, --user [user]                remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                  path to ssh private key
  -t, --type [type]                filter file system types
  -g, --glob [glob]                dataset-glob search glob
  -x, --exclude [glob]             exclude datasets by glob, comma separated
  -R, --recursive                  Send all fileystems/volumes in source-dataset
  -s, --source [source-dataset]    source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [source-host]  host on which the source dataset resides
  -p, --snapshot [name]            exact snapshot name to use
  -t, --tag [name]                 tag name for snapshot
  -T, --date-format [dateformat]   date format - see https://www.npmjs.com/package/dateformat. default: yyyymmddHHMMssl
  -a, --atomic                     create all possible snapshots atomically
  -c, --continue                   continue on to the next dataset if errors are encountered
  -l, --lock-file [path]           lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]   how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]            output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output
  -V, --debug                      enable debug output.
  -C, --config [path]              path to presets config file, supersedes all other possible configs
  -h, --help                       output usage information


Usage: rotate [options] [glob/preset] [tag] [keep] [destination] [destination-host]

rotate snapshots keeping a certain number

  -u, --user [user]                remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                  path to ssh private key
  -t, --type [type]                filter file system types
  -g, --glob [glob]                dataset-glob search glob
  -x, --exclude [glob]             exclude datasets by glob, comma separated
  -R, --recursive                  Send all fileystems/volumes in source-dataset
  -s, --source [source-dataset]    source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [source-host]  host on which the source dataset resides
  -d, --destination [name]         destination-base, eg: pool2/virtual-disks, pool2
  -D, --destination-host [host]    host on which the destination dataset resides
  -n, --destination-drop [number]  [number] of elements to drop from the left side of [source-dataset].
  -N, --destination-keep [number]  [number] of elements to keep from the right side of [source-dataset]
  -K, --keep [number]              number of snapshots to keep
  -p, --snapshot [name]            exact snapshot name to remove
  -t, --tag [name]                 tag name to process for rotation
  -c, --continue                   continue on to the next dataset if errors are encountered
  -i, --preserve-incremental       prevent destroying snapshots that are needed for an incremental push. 
  -l, --lock-file [path]           lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]   how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]            output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output
  -V, --debug                      enable debug output.
  -C, --config [path]              path to presets config file, supersedes all other possible configs
  -h, --help                       output usage information


Usage: destroy [options] [source] [source-host]

destroy dataset identified by source optionally on remote source-host

  -u, --user [user]                remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                  path to ssh private key
  -R, --recursive                  Send all fileystems/volumes in source-dataset
  -s, --source [source-dataset]    source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [source-host]  host on which the source dataset resides
  -l, --lock-file [path]           lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]   how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]            output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output
  -V, --debug                      enable debug output.
  -h, --help                       output usage information


Usage: rename [options] [source] [name] [source-host]

rename dataset identified by source to name, optionally on remote source-host

  -u, --user [user]                remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                  path to ssh private key
  -s, --source [source-dataset]    source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1, pool
  -S, --source-host [source-host]  host on which the source dataset resides
  -n, --name [name]                the new name of source-dataset, eg: pool/vol1-copy, pool2
  -l, --lock-file [path]           lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]   how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]            output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output
  -V, --debug                      enable debug output.
  -h, --help                       output usage information


Usage: receive [options] [dataset]

receive a dataset via stdin

  -u, --user [user]               remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                 path to ssh private key
  -F, --force                     force receive (may cause rollback)
  -d, --destination [dataset]     destination-base, eg: pool2/virtual-disks, pool2
  -l, --lock-file [path]          lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]  how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]           output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                   verbose output
  -V, --debug                     enable debug output.
  -h, --help                      output usage information


Usage: send [options]

send a dataset via stdout

  -u, --user [user]               remote ssh user
  -k, --key [key]                 path to ssh private key
  -i, --incremental [dataset]     do an incremental send starting with [dataset]
  -s, --snapshot [dataset]        the final shanpshot to send
  -I, --intermediary              include itermediate snapshots when doing an incremental send
  -p, --properties                include properties in the send stream
  -R, --replication               create a replication send stream
  -l, --lock-file [path]          lock file to use to prevent this command from running in another instance
  -w, --lock-wait [milliseconds]  how long to wait for lock file
  -f, --format [format]           output format (json?)
  -v, --verbose                   verbose output
  -V, --debug                     enable debug output.
  -h, --help                      output usage information


list(opts, cb)

this function lists datasets and uses the minimatch module to filter unwanted datasets

  • opts
    • glob - a comma separated or array list of globs to search for in the list of datasets
    • exclude - a comma separated or array list of globs to exclude from the list of datasets
    • type - dataset type; eg: volume,filesystem,snapshot
    • source - source dataset to restrict recursive lookups; eg: pool1
    • recursive - use recursion for the intial list lookup (ie: zfs list -r)
  • cb(err, list)
    • err - error if any
    • list - array of matching datasets

status(opts, cb)

view the sync status of datasets vs a destination dataset optionally on a remote host

  • opts
    • [see opts from list]
    • destinationDrop - number of elements in the source dataset name to drop from the left
    • destinationKeep - number of elements in the source dataset name to keep from the right
    • sourceHost - host name of the source server
    • destination - name of the destination dataset; eg: pool2
    • destinationHost - host name of the destination host
  • cb(err, list)
    • err - error if any
    • list - array of datasets with source and destination snapshot listings, fromSnap, toSnap and boolean work if work needs to be done

diff(opts, cb)

This retrieves a list of snapshots for a source and destination dataset and returns both lists and the latest common snapshot.


  • source - source dataset; eg: pool1/vmdisk1
  • destination - destination dataset; eg: pool2/vmdisk2
  • destinationHost - host on which the destination dataset resides. if falsy, destination is assumed to be local

push(opts, cb)

push source snapshots to destination dataset optionally on a destination host

  • opts
    • [see opts from list]
    • destinationDrop - number of elements in the source dataset name to drop from the left
    • destinationKeep - number of elements in the source dataset name to keep from the right
    • sourceHost - host name of the source server
    • destination - name of the destination dataset; eg: pool2
    • destinationHost - host name of the destination host
    • force - force the receiving side to rollback to the most recent snapshot if data modified
    • replication - create replication send stream
    • continue - boolean; continue processing each matched datasets even if errors occur; default false

receive(opts, cb)

Receive a dataset via opts.stream.

  • opts
    • stream - a readable stream whose data is a zfs send stream

sendreceive(opts, cb)

Initiate a zfs send and pipe it to a zfs receive optionally on a remote server

  • opts
    • source - source dataset name
    • sourceHost - host on which the source dataset resides
    • destination - destination dataset (base name); eg: pool2
    • destinationHost - host on which the destination dataset resides
    • fromSnap - for an incremental send, the snapshot that marks the beginning of the incremental period
    • toSnap - the snapshot to send
    • force - force receive (zfs receive -F)
    • replication - create a replication send stream

snap(opts, cb)

create snapshots on matching datasets

  • opts
    • [see opts from list]
    • dateFormat - date format to format the timestamp included in the snapshot (see https://www.npmjs.com/package/dateformat)
    • tag - optional tag to include in the snapshot name; eg: hourly, monthly, daily, random, test, etc
    • continue - boolean; continue processing each matched datasets even if errors occur; default false
    • atomic - boolean; create all possible snapshots at once; default false

rotate(opts, cb)

rotate snapshots with an optional tag keeping a certain number

  • opts
    • [see options for list]
    • keep - number of snapshots to keep
    • tag - optional tag to include in the snapshot name; eg: hourly, monthly, daily, random, test, etc
    • sourceHost - host on which to create the snapshots

each(opts, fn, cb)

Obtain a list of datasets from the list function then pass each dataset to fn. When done cb is called

  • opts
    • type - dataset type; eg: volume;filesystem;snapshot
    • recurseive - recursively search datasets
    • glob - comma separated search globs
    • exclude - comma separated globs to exclude
    • source - source dataset
    • host - host on which to execute list command; default is local
  • fn(dataset, next)
    • dataset - a dataset object which describes a matched dataset
      • name - name of the dataset
      • used - amount of space used by dataset
      • avail - amount of space available if dataset is removed
      • refer - amount of spaced referenced by the dataset
      • mountpoint - path to where the dataset is mounted
    • next(doMore) - call this function when you are done doing things with dataset.
      • Pass true if you want to want to process the next dataset (if any)
      • Pass false if you want to end processing
