
This is just a game..

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hbraingames from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/1hbraingames';


Brain-Games JS:

This is a set of logical mini-games launched from the console. List of games: Game: "Calculator" Game: "Parity Check" Game "Is it a prime number?" Game "Arithmetic Progression.



Build Status

How to install:

sudo npm install -g 1hbraingames


  • brain-even - the user is shown a random number. And he needs to answer "yes", if the number is even, or "no" - if it is odd.
  • brain-calc - the user is shown a random mathematical expression, for example 35 + 16, which needs to be calculated and the *correct answer written down.
  • brain-gcd - the user is shown two random numbers, for example, 25 50. The user must calculate and enter the greatest common divider of these numbers.
  • brain-progression - the user is shown a series of numbers that form an arithmetic progression, one number is hidden. The user must define this number.
  • brain-prime - the user is shown a random number. And he needs to answer “yes”, if the given number is simple. Otherwise, answer "no."