
THis is the readme file for the package named 20-npm-rchaud03.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 0NpmRchaud03 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/20-npm-rchaud03';


THis is the readme file for the package named 20-npm-rchaud03.

Below are the following tasks posisble with the package as it relates to npm homework

--"printinfo", which prints the description value of the the description field in the package.json file in the console. Use an npm config variable. --"clean", which removes/deletes the node_modules folder --"build", which runs npm install of dependencies --"start", which executes the main node.js file (entry point) --"watch", which executes the main node.js file using npx and nodemon

--"audit", which runs npm audit against the main weather node.js application