2key-protocol Developer guid
How to prepare environment
yarn run geth
- to start local devnet
- deploy contracts with
yarn run deploy --migrate dev-local,plasma-ap --reset
this will deploy new contracts to your local node and remote syncEventsNode (http://astring.aydnep.com.ua:18545)
- setup
file and specify mnemonics and addresses of accounts
- run
yarn run test:one 2key-protocol/test/sendETH.spec.ts
- this test will send ETH to all accounts used in test
- run
yarn run test
to start tests
- after all steps passed you can continue with development
How run Metamask debugger app
Folder structure
|----README.md - this file
|----src - sources of 2key-protocol
| |----acquisition - Acquisition Campaign functionality
| | |----index.ts - entrypoint that imported as AcquisitionCampaign subclass to our 2key-protocol class
| |----utils - utils and helpers functions
| | |----helpers.ts - common private methods used in 2key-protocol class and all nested subclasses
| | |----index.ts - entrypoint that imported as Utils subclass to our 2key-protocol class
| | |----sign.ts - Udi math|crypto stuff for offchain joining
| |----contracts.json - abi of whitelisted contracts generated with SOLDeployer (currently unused)
| |----contracts.tar.gz - backup of deployed contracts to staging (ropsten.infura)
| |----contracts.ts - our solidity abi interface that also contains bytecodes and networks address of all our
| | singletone and other contracts that used in our 2key-protocol class
| |----index.ts - our 2key-protocol entrypoint
| |----interface.ts - definitions of all functions and datastructures
|----dist - submodule that synced with github.com/2key/2key-protocol repo here webpack will build our library
|----test - tests folder
| |----_web3.ts - test helpers to create web3 instance with wallet provider
| |----index.html - debugger app with metamask support
| |----index.spec.ts - the main test scenario, in feature we need to split this to different cases
| |----proxy.spec.ts - proxy for listening plasama event
| |----sendETH.spec.ts - test for fullfilling all needed accounts (look at .env file) with 10ETH
| |----sendTokens.spec.ts - test for sending truffle2Key tokens to aydnep accounts in staging network
| |----webapp.ts - script for debugger app