
A Slack bot for 99designs Tasks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 9designsTasksSlackBot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/99designs-tasks-slack-bot';


Slack bot for 99designs Tasks

99designs Tasks is for getting small graphic design tasks completed by professional designers straight from Slack. Results are typically in under an hour.

Get in touch and we'll give you some freebies to try it out. :-)




  1. Create a slack bot user: https://slack.com/services/new/bot
  2. Create a 99designs Tasks API key: https://99designs.com/tasks/apikeys
  3. Install and run the bot like this:
    mkdir tasks-bot && cd tasks-bot
    npm install git+https://git@github.com/99designs/tasks-slack-bot.git
    node ./node_modules/.bin/tasks-bot \
      --slack-key=xoxb-xxxx-xxxxxx \
      --tasks-key=xxxxxxxxx \
      --webhook-url=http://my-server.com:9090/ \
      --host= \

Need help?

Join us on our developer slack channel: