
TypeScript variable wrapper library, transpiled to ES2015 JavaScript. Library contains few getters, for supporting older JavaScript versions you will need to fork this project and change getters to functions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 0x2e757Wrappers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@0x2e757/wrappers';



TypeScript variable wrapper library, transpiled to ES2015 JavaScript. Library contains few getters, for supporting older JavaScript versions you will need to fork this project and change getters to functions.


npm i @0x2e757/wrappers


Library contains two classes you are interested in - StaticWrapper and DynamicWrapper. Also there are IStaticWrapper and IDynamicWrapper interfaces, as well as general IWrapper interface, which will work for both classes but will only contain those methods that are implemented in both classes.

How to import

import { IWrapper, IStaticWrapper, StaticWrapper, IDynamicWrapper, DynamicWrapper } from "@0x2e757/wrappers";


Simple wrapper that can be used as a value container with assignable on update callbacks (subscribers).

Usage example:

import { StaticWrapper } from "@0x2e757/wrappers";

const wSomeValue = new StaticWrapper(0);
wSomeValue.applyMiddleware(next => value => next(value > 5 ? 5 : value));
wSomeValue.subscribe(console.log, true);

// Console output:
// > 0
// > 1
// > 5


Advanced wrapper which contains dynamically computed value (it can not be set manually). Values are being computed only before they are going to be used.

Usage example:

import { StaticWrapper, DynamicWrapper } from "@0x2e757/wrappers";

const wUsername = new StaticWrapper("John");
const wBalance = new StaticWrapper(100);

const wAccountInfo = new DynamicWrapper(wUsername, wBalance, (username, balance) => `${username} has ${balance}$.`);
wAccountInfo.subscribe(console.log, true);


// Console output:
// > John has 100$.
// > John has 50$.

Available methods


Wrappers are always implementing base interface IWrapperBase:

interface IWrapperBase<T> {
  * set: (value: T, debounce?: number) => void;
  * setter: (value: T, debounce?: number) => () => void;
  * applyMiddleware: (middleware: Middleware<T>) => void;
    emit: () => T;
    subscribe: (callback: Subscriber<T>, triggerImmediately?: boolean) => void;
    unsubscribe: (callback: Subscriber<T>) => void;
    dispose: () => void;

* Methods set, setter and applyMiddleware are available only in StaticWrapper instances.


Depending on wrapper value type different helper methods (few of them are getter properties) are available. They can modify wrapper's value (in static wrappers only) or perform some action with value and return a result. In fact, all of them always exist in class objects, but for static typing purposes using TypeScript types they are hidden from IDE and static code analyzer.

interface IPrimitiveWrapper<T> {
    eq: (value: T) => boolean;
    neq: (value: T) => boolean;

Booleans, numbers and strings are considered as primitives.

interface IBooleanWrapper {
  * toggle: () => void;

* Method toggle is available only in StaticWrapper instances.

interface INumberWrapper {
  * inc: (delta?: number) => void;
  * dec: (delta?: number) => void;
  * random: (min: number, max: number, integer?: boolean) => void;
  * round: (fractionDigits?: number) => void;
  * clamp: (min: number, max: number) => void;
    lt: (value: number) => boolean;
    lte: (value: number) => boolean;
    gt: (value: number) => boolean;
    gte: (value: number) => boolean;
    in: (min: number, max: number) => boolean;

* Methods inc, dec, random, round and clamp are available only in StaticWrapper instances.

interface IStringWrapper {
    length: number;
    contains: (value: string) => boolean;
    match: (regExp: RegExp) => boolean;
interface IArrayWrapper<T> {
  * pop: () => ElementOf<T> | undefined;
  * popm: () => ElementOf<T> | undefined;
  * push: (...values: ElementOf<T>[]) => number;
  * pushm: (...values: ElementOf<T>[]) => number;
  * shift: () => ElementOf<T> | undefined;
  * shiftm: () => ElementOf<T> | undefined;
  * unshift: (...values: ElementOf<T>[]) => void;
  * unshiftm: (...values: ElementOf<T>[]) => void;
    length: number;
    first: ElementOf<T> | undefined;
    last: ElementOf<T> | undefined;
    random: () => ElementOf<T> | undefined;
    contains: (value: ElementOf<T>) => boolean;
    every: (callback: (value: ElementOf<T>) => boolean) => boolean;
    some: (callback: (value: ElementOf<T>) => boolean) => boolean;
    none: (callback: (value: ElementOf<T>) => boolean) => boolean;

* Methods pop, push, shift, unshift are available only in StaticWrapper instances. These methods create a new array, for value mutable updates use methods with m suffix (note that they aren't affected by middlewares).