
Test server for local running testing of modules on the Ethereum blockchain.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 0xcertEthereumSandbox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@0xcert/ethereum-sandbox';


Test server for local running testing of modules on the Ethereum blockchain.

You can use it as a standalone server.

import { Sandbox } from '@0xcert/ethereum-sandbox';

const sandbox = new Sandbox();
await sandbox.listen();

You can integrate it with Specron.

import { Spec } from '@specron/spec';
import { Protocol } from '@0xcert/ethereum-sandbox';

const spec = new Spec();

spec.before(async (stage) => {
  stage.set('protocol', await Protocol.deploy(stage.web3));

export default spec;

You can integrate it with Hayspec.

import { Spec } from '@hayspec/spec';
import { Sandbox } from '@0xcert/ethereum-sandbox';

interface Data {
  sandbox: Sandbox;

const spec = new Spec<Data>();

spec.before(async (stage) => {
  stage.set('sandbox', await Sandbox.listen());
  stage.set('protocol', stage.get('sandbox').protocol);

spec.after(async (stage) => {
  await stage.get('sandbox').close();

export default spec;

The 0xcert Framework is a free and open-source JavaScript library that provides tools for building powerful decentralized applications. Please refer to the official documentation for more details.

This module is one of the bricks of the 0xcert Framework. It's written with TypeScript and it's actively maintained. The source code is available on GitHub where you can also find our issue tracker.